21. mai 2011

Mõnikord on niipalju mõtteid, et raske on otsustada mida jagada. Nii nad jäävadki jagamata. Kuni sa leiad, et keegi on selle juba väga hästi sõnastanud. Vähemalt osade su mõtete kohta... :) Siin on midagi paljudest leidudest, mis tahtis jagamist.

Sometimes you have so many thoughts that it is hard to decide what to share. And then you won´t do it at all. And then you`ll find something, something that someone has said which says it all... well at least about some part of your thoughts :). Here is something from many recent findings that wanted sharing.

"Come to the edge."
"We can´t. We are afraid."
"Come to the edge."
"We can´t. We will fall."

"Come to the edge."

And they came.
And he pushed them.

And they flew.

~Guillaume Apollinaire

23. veebr 2011

There is fairydust in the air...

It´s like a race, being outside with the cold. You try to move fast, to get somewhere warm, to get away from the numbing pain crawling through your body. But the faster you try to walk, the slower you seem to move.... like the cold is tightening around you, trying to slow you to the pace of its own molecules, to bring stillness until it feels like trying to walk through a solid block of ice...
Or maybe it´s the fairydust. The fairydust in the air, trying to give one a chance, despite of it all, a time to notice the surrounding beauty ...
The dust of snow swirling in the air, only visible through the echo of the sun´s rays...to make you stop... to take your breath away.

Külm. Tahaks kiiresti jõuda kuhugi sooja, kuid midagi aeglustab su kulgu. Mida rohkem sa püüad selle eest põgeneda, seda tihedamalt tundub ta su ümber mähkuvat nagu soovides sind muuta endaga üheks, aeglustada molekule kuni tunned, et üritad kõndida läbi jääseina...

Aga võibolla... on see hoopis haldjatolm.
Hõljuv lumetolm
Tantsisklev valgus
Päikesekiirte kaja
Helklemas tantsus
Mis tolmuna langeb

Et panna sind peatuma, et teha sind hingetuks.

10. veebr 2011

Pilguheit minevikku...

Sõber käis külas. Ühe asjana mainis ta, et kui sa blogi nii kaua ei kirjuta, ei ole sul hiljem lugeda, mis põnevat sel ajal juhtus (eeldusel, et ma päevikut ei pea).
Täna sattusin sellele uuesti mõtlema, just sattusin on õige sõna. Panin google´i otsingusse kuslapuu lõhn... ja mis oli viimane otsingutulemus esimesel lehel? Midagi väga tuttavlikku... Baren bar lin. Le hannon a tholel - midagi, mille olin täiesti unustanud ja üllatusega täna avastasin, minu vana blogi, ma isegi ei mäletanud, et seal niipalju sissekandeid on...

Lugesin ja imestasin oma kirjutatu üle... nt selline sissekanne 2007 aasta kevadest:

Tormine öö merel

Lesisin oma kajutis ja lugesin Meteorology Today 'd. Ümber laeva mässas lubatud torm.Kajuti aken kriuksus ja ägises tuule käes justkui ähvardades lainetesse sukelduda ning mind tuulte ja lainete meelevalda jätta. Lõpetades peatükki tuultest, pidin tahes tahtmata mõtisklema, et igakord kui mõte kuhugi uitama läks, tahtis väljas toimuv möll mind tagasi klimatoloogia juurde tõmmata. Efekt oli siiski teistsugune - tihti jäin kuulatama vana akna heietatavaid lugusid. Seda senikaua kuni seilasin sügavale uneookeanile kohtuma imepäraste olenditega ... ärkasin, väljas möllab ikka veel.Hetk hiljem - ootamatu vaikus ... orkaani silmas elavate troopiliste veehaldjatega.


Ja rohkem ei olegi nagu hetkel öelda...

13. jaan 2011

Looking after an escaped thought
in a distance
running away
a blurry shape

all that is certain is change...

but will I let it happen?

2. jaan 2011

Et siis ... head uut aastat! Nagu mu sõber ütleb: hoidkem 11! :)

25. nov 2010

... ...

"The intricate designs of ones writings could improve over time, couldn´t they?"
- "I hope so, otherwise these musings would be rather dull to behold..."

... ...

The snow had stuck this morning. The rain that had been deleting the previous attempts, had finally been overpowerd by the cold. I knew it the moment I opened my eyes, the light was just so different. It didn´t feel like I had woken up in the middle of the night anymore, like most mornings during the past few weeks did, but it was exactly what it was supposed to be - a morning.

I had almost forgotten, how beautiful is the sight of a rising sun peeping through the snowy forest...

23. nov 2010


A friend asked me today, what have I discovered lately in the world... I didn´t answer. But I´ll do it now:

In the morning, I opened my eyes. I was home alone. Except for the dog, he is a living - breathing one too, I thought, and while I was at it, I included the Chinese hibiscus next to the window as well.
But something else caught my atttention - a ticking sound coming from the other room. It´s just a mechanism... and then a question sprang: "Am I a mechanism too, ticking away, until my battery runs empty?"


After lunch when eating a pastry which grandpa brought - fresh from the bakery - it suddenly tasted like wild strawberries and summer...
Weird, I thought, how even dark November days can create happiness.