Oli tuuri eelviimane päev, Queenstownis järgmisel päeval lahkus tuurilt 8 inimest, mina neist üks. Tegime nö finaaliks plaane ja nõustusin kahe adrenaliiniseikluse kombinatsiooniga.Järgmise päeva hommikul oli närv sees, sest jõudis kohale mida ma õieti tegema hakkan. Õnneks sihtkoha poole sõites suutsin end maha rahustada ja esimese tegevuse kallale asudes oli sees pigem põnevusärevus.
Kui aktiivkeskusesse kohale jõudsin ja teisi nägin, mõtlesin, et täitsa segane, mida sa ometi mõtled et nende segastega ühined! Vajalikud ettevalmistused tehtud, sõitsime väikese köisraudteega kuristiku kohal rippuvale platvormile. Teisi jälgides süda puperdas sees, aga tagasiteed enam ei olnud. Minu kord... istusin tooli ja viimased ettevalmistused...instruktor lobises sokkidest (sokid olid mul Oz-s peamised komplimentide sissetoojad, varvassokkide ja plätude kombinatsioon ning triibud jäid alati silma :)) ja mina lehvitasin ümberringi plõksuvatele fotoaparaatidele (sest ma ei olnud tuurilt ainus segane seal, sõbrad võtsin ka kaasa!) ning lõppkokkuvõttes polnudki enam aega hirmu tunda. Siis tippisin servale, kuulasin 5,4,3,2,1 - benji!!! ning karjet kosta lastes sööstsin 134 meetri pikkuse lennutrajektooriga alla kuristiku poole. Tunne: nagu rakett. Kestus: elu pikimad 8 sekundit. Vaade: kirjeldamatu.
Kaks korda pehmelt üles alla kiikunud, vabastasin jalad ja vaadet nautides tõmmati mind keharakmeid pidi taas ülessse. Taas platvormil, ei suutnudki kohe uskuda, et just benjit hüppasin. Elu kiireim lennuminut. :) Kas teeksin uuesti? Teeks küll.
(Nevis benji oli mu uusaastalubadus).
Näeme minuti pärast!/Off the edge!
Järgmine päev suundusime lennuväljale. Varustus selga, paar õpetussõna kaasa ja lennuki peale! 12 000 jalga oli selle päeva siht. Seekord närvi sees ei olnud, sest tegemist tandem langevarjuhüppega. Instruiktoril seljataga üle 16000 hüppe! Igal meist oli oma kaameramees kes esimesena läheb ja veidike lennuki küljes kõlgub siit-me-läheme! pildi jaoks ning siis sinu ees hammastega pilte klõpsib peapealasuva kaamera abil. Too pisike eralennuväli asus rohelisel aasal, ümberringi mäeahelikud, nii et vaade oli pehmelt öeldes võrratu! Vabalangemine oli üks tuuline protsess :D , kui langevari väljas, oli rohkem mahti all lahtirulluvat mosaiiki kokku panna.Hirmud on selleks, et neist üle saada!
Lugege ise / Read it
It is about time to finish my NZ adventure telling!Traveling the east coast of Oz on New Years, we made NY promises. They were just for fun, but not mission impossible. I accomplished mine in NZ.It was the day before the last on board of Flying Kiwi. Next day in Queenstown was the last for me and for 8 other. Planning the grand finale ended up in me agreeing to do an adventure combo.On the next morning I was nervous, ´cos it hit me what I had agreed to do. But I managed to calm myself down on the way to destination. Of course the excitement of an adventure remained... When we reached the activity center and I saw others doing what i was about to do, I could only think that this is insane! Why on earth am I joining those insane people! But I wasn´t about to turn back anymore! After some preparation we took the gondola to the platform high above the river valley. My heart was fluttering... my turn now...I sat in the chair and made the last preparations. Instructor was chatting cheerfully about my socks (Socks btw, were my compliment factory - toe socks with flipflops and stripes are noticeable ;)) I was waving to the cameras (´cos i wasn´t the only "insane person" on the tour!) and then I hadn´t no more time for fear anymore. With little steps I headed for the edge, heard 5,4,3,2,1 - bungy!!! and there I was heading towards the ground with the flight distance of 134 meters! Feeling: like a rocket. Length: my longest 8 seconds. View: indescribable. Two soft swings later i released my legs and admiring the surroundings I was pulled up by my body harness. Back on the platform I could hardly believe what i just did. The fastest flying minute of my life :). Would I do it again? Yes, I would. (Nevis bungy was my NY promise.)Next day we were headed to a private airport. After putting on necessary gear and listening to some instructions we headed to the sky. Todays hight: 12000 feet. Nervousness was a stranger, as it was a tandem jump there was no reason for it to appear. Every jumper had a personal cameraman, who went first, hanged on the plane a little to take here-we-go! pic and then using his teeth made pics during the free fall with a camera attached on the top of his head. As the airport was situated on a green pasture and surrounded by mountain range, it´s no use describing the view... the free fall was one windy business :D, after the parachute opened I had more time to see the puzzle below me come together piece by piece.The fears are for overcoming them!