Vahel on hea kui näed igapäevaseid inimesi, kohti, olukordi jne. värske silmapaari läbi. Mõistad uuesti kui kallid nad sulle olla võivad...
Sometimes it is good to see people, places, situations etc. around you through a fresh pair of eyes. It makes you freshly understand how dear they are to you...
18. juuli 2008
5. juuli 2008
"Tilluke" ämblik / Itsy - bitsy spider
Küll on hea et ma enam ämblikuid ei karda. Nimelt täna hommikul voodit tehes avastasin ma pealisteki vahelt pildil oleva tegelase... Arvestades, et keskmise eluea jooksul sööb inimene magades assortii 70 st putukast ja 10 ämblikku on mul hea meel et tänahommikune juhtum statistikaks ei saanud... 
Well, I am glad that I´m not afraid of spiders anymore. This morning when I was making up my bed I discovered the lovely creature on the picture... Considering, that in the course of an average lifetime, a person will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders, I am happy that todays event didn´t make it to the list of statistics...
Well, I am glad that I´m not afraid of spiders anymore. This morning when I was making up my bed I discovered the lovely creature on the picture... Considering, that in the course of an average lifetime, a person will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders, I am happy that todays event didn´t make it to the list of statistics...
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