Ja siis ymber nurga keerates haigutas ees koopasuu. Ja mitte mingi v2ike - minul tuli igatahes imetlushyyatus yle huulte, sest nii suurtes koobastes mina varem k2inud ei ole! Nii et see sama m2gi mis meil oli alles jalge all olnud kutsus meid oma jahedasse sisemusse... ja seal oli t6esti kylm. Kylm ja ilus. Suured v6lvid, kitsad rajad... nii me sealt imetledes l2bi jalutasime.
P2rast sai termobasseinis, kuhu maaseest pidevalt vihmavett pysiva 27 kraadi juures juurde voolab, yks kosutav suplus kah tehtud! :)
Through the mountain and the smell of Estonian forest
On our way from Melbourne to Sydney we visited Yarrangobilly gaves in Kosciuszko National Park. At first we walked through the forest a little bit, that was so homely - the plants were the same as in estonian grasslands and with joy I greeted every one I knew. And it smelled exactly like it does in estonia on a hot summer day in the forest...
And then we turned around the corner - just to see the opening to the cave. And it wasn't some little hole. No. The gasp of admiration came over my lips, it was the first time for me to visit such caves! So the same mountain we were walking on invited us to it's cool embrace... and there really was cold inside. Cold and beautiful. Massive arches, narrow paths... we walked through all it in admiration.
Later on top of everything we had a refreshing swim in the termopool - place, where from under the mountain comes fresh rainwater on constant 27 degrees!
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