On the morning of 20th of April we took a boat tour around the Tasman Peninsula. The view was magnificent and we met allkinds of animals and birds (Australain and New Zealand seals, albatrosses, little penguins etc), but the most memorable were dolphins who at the end of the tour decisded to come and play around us a little!
Paar videot kah, kvaliteeti palun ignoreerida :D
A couple of videos, please ignore the quality, lol
Paadisõit / Boat ride
Järgmisel päeval suundusime Freycinet RP - i. Esimeseks matkaks valisime raja Veiniklaasi Lahe vaateplatvormile. Kuna rada tundus veidi igav otsustasime improviseerida ja ronisime mööda kaljusid raja kohale, kust avanes suurepärane vaade sealpoolsele lahele - Coles Bay´le.
The next say we headed to Freycinet NP. As we went on a hike along the road to Wineglass Bay lookout we found a good spot to climb a little higher above the trail where there was a superb view to Coles Bay.
Üleval turnides jäi pilk peale kõrvalolevale kõrgele mäetipule ja pargivahte kohates küsisime kas sinna ka saab. Pidvat ikka saama, aga tänu eilsele vihmale üldse ei soovitanud, ütles, et väga ohtlik olevat. J. siis sellepeale, et ohtlik on me keskmine nimi. Pargivaht omakorda, et pigem on sellisel juhul keskmine nimi paigast-ära-õlg. Ütlesime aitäh nõuande eest, kuid suundusime ikkagi Mt. Amost vallutama.
Ronida tuli mööda graniitnõlvakut, kuskil 45 kraadise nurga all. Mõni osa oli jah täitsa libe, aga mitte vihmast vaid paljudest jalgadest mis selle siledaks kulutanud, kuigi mida ülespoole seda karedamaks pind läks, naersime, et korrelatsioonis tagasipöördunud inimeste arvuga. Ülevalpool tuli paar kohta kus oli juba päris õõvastav seljataha vaadata, kuid enamasti oli tõus lihtsalt füüsiliselt raske, turnimist oli ikka kõvasti. Aga see tasus ära, üleval oli lihtsalt nii hingematvalt ilus...
We spotted a mountaintop near-by and when we met some rangers we asked is it possible to climb there as well. One of them said that yes, but he strongly disrecommended it, ´cos it had been raining the previous day, making the trail slippery. J. said to that, that dangerous is our middle name. The ranger then, that dislocated shoulder will be most likely your middle name... we said thanks for the advice, but we still headed to conquer Mt. Amos.
The trail was a steep climb and indeed some parts were slippery, but not from the rain but from all the feet that had been trodding the place. The higher we went the more rough the surface got, we were joking that it is in correlation with the people who turned back... There were some parts where looking back over your shoulder was pretty scary, but mostly it was just physically hard. But it was all worth it, the views were breathtaking!