Kuna nädala jooksul oli päris palju tegemisi, jaotan Tasmaania seiklused kahte ossa :).
Spirit of Tasmania viis meid ööl vastu 15. aprilli ilusti Melbourne´ist üle Bass´i väina Devonporti Tasmaanias.
Infoputkast läbi hüpanuna (kus me sattusime ühe toreda vana naise jutule, kes peale muu kasuliku jutu rääkis põneva loo sellest, kuidas tema kooliajal tulid II MS põgenikud Balti riikidest ning kuidas nendele tundusid nad nii veidrad ja targad... ) suundusime edasi Sheffieldi - seinamaalingute linna:
As there were a lot of adventures during the week, I´ll split it to two posts :).
The night before 15th of April we crossed the Bass Strait on board of Spirit of Tasmania and arrived in Devonport 6 o´clock in the morning. After dropping in to the local information centre (where we met a lovely old lady, who besides giving us great tips on where to go, told us also an interesting story about the Baltic State refugees during WW II - how they came to their school, looking so different and being so smart...) we headed towards Sheffield - the town of murals:
Kus kohtasin ka selliseid vahvaid tegelasi! :)
Where I met those lovely creatures! :)
Ning sealt põrutasime Cradle Mountain ´i rahvusparki:
And then we headed to Mt Cradle NP:
Jalutasime ümber Tuvi järve... / Walked the track around Dove Lake...

Ja nägime nokklooma! Keda muidu on suht raske looduses kohata / And saw platypus! Who is a rare creature to meet
(Video tegin ka, mis on pildist parem, sest loom tuleb kaldale lähemale / Made also a video which is better as it comes close to the shore)
Ja nägime nokklooma! Keda muidu on suht raske looduses kohata / And saw platypus! Who is a rare creature to meet
(Video tegin ka, mis on pildist parem, sest loom tuleb kaldale lähemale / Made also a video which is better as it comes close to the shore)
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