P2ikeseloojangust andis m2rku m2gede kohal h6ljuv punetus, mis pilved kuldse randiga oma embusse m2ssis. Suure valge pilvetupsu sees oleks keegi nagu t6rviku syydanud, mis oma kaunist looritatud kuma vaatajani saatis.
Eile k2isin esimest korda pyhap2evasel banaanikorjamisel. See on sellessuhtes hea, et pole tunnitasu vaid tykit88. Ja t88tasime loojanguni, rohutirtsud hakkasid juba siristama ja t2itsa tore oli sellise 6hkkonnaga banaanikoplis olla.
Eelmine n2dal t88tasime vaid poole viieni. Nagu ka see n2dal. Mis muidu alguses oligi normaalne, aga siis harjusid viieni t88tamisega 2ra...ja nyyd on pool tundi rohkem vaba aega, mille kulutamine v2ljendus varem magama minemises :). Aga internetis saab ka rohkem istutud.
Laup2eval sai Cooktownis k2idud. Shoppamas ikka. Aga k2isime ka ujumas. Mina esimest korda. St ookeanis. Soolane. Krokodillid. K6rvetavad meduusid. Esimestega 6nneks kokku ei puutunud. Kaasatulnud saksa tydrukud v6tsid hoiatussilti t6siselt ja ei ujunud. Olid targemad. Aga mina ja Kylli oleme ka ikka elus :p. Magevees vajun liigutamata p6hja. Nyyd h6ljusin. Lahe :p.
Proovisin mikrolaineahjus koogitegemise ka 2ra. Pulber kaussi, paar asja juurde, koogivormi ja viieks minutiks mikrosse. Ja voila! T2itsa kook mis kook. Kiireim koogitegemine minu elus siiani. Ja syya k6lbas ka :p.
The red colour floating over the mountains was the sign of soon passing sunset, what still was embracing the edges of the clouds with golden grasp. It looked like a torch had been litten in one of the big white fluffy ones, which now sent it's beautiful veiled glow to onlookers eyes...
This is the sight that opened to my eyes when I went home from my first sunday humping. We finished so late that the grasshoppers started to make their music already - it created a nice atmosphere.
On Saturday we went to Cooktown. Shopping ofcourse. But not only. Swimming in the ocean. For me - the first time. Salty. Crocodiles. Jellyfish. Didn't meet the first ones luckily :). The girls who game with us didn't swim after reading the warning sign. They were smarter. But me and Kylli are still alive as well :p. On plain water when I dont move, I sink. But now I floated. Cool :).
I tried the microwawe cake making too. Powder to the bowl, add some things, but it in the cakemould and 5 minutes in the microwawe - voila! and there is a cake. Fastest I ever made. And good for eating as well :p.
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