14. okt 2007

P2rast kolimist s6idan ma t88le ja koju Kylliga. V2ljaarvatud m6ned hommikud kus meil on eraldi t88kohad. Sellisel juhul viib ta mu Lakelandit88bussi peale millega ma vanasti k2isin. Reede hommikul bussi istudes vaatasin, et yks poiss meenutab t2iega yht poissi kes 2ra l2ks paar kuud tagasi.Ta on koreast ja ta nimi on Bong. Ytlesin tere hommikust, aga rohkem ei r22kinud, sest mai uskunud et see t6esti tema on. P2rast tuli ta meie meeskonda ja mis ma n2en , ongi see sama poiss. See oli nii tore.Nagu vana tuttav keda j2lle kohtad ja kes teab kuidas t88 k2ib ja saab sellega hakkama. Viimasel ajal on meil pidevalt uued inimesed kes natuke aega vaid vastu peavad.Praegu on v2ga kuum juba ja nad lihtsalt ei pea vastu. Mis k6ige naljakam, et suured ja tugevad poisid on saamatumad kui v2ikesed ja kes paistavad n6rgad. Tuleb v2lja et nad on hoopis vintskemad sellid. Muuseas, Bong oli omale samasuguse mytsi ostnud nagu minul, sest kui ta seda poes n2gi siis vaatas, et oh H - l on samasugune :). Nyyd me oleme "mytsikaksikud".Meie meeskonnas on yks mees kelle nimi on Billy. Ja Austraalias on yks moem2rk nimega Billabong, populaarne ja v2hemalt pooltel siin on neilt midagi. Point on see, et me saame j2lle Billyt ja Bongi Billybong' iks kutsuda :).

I have decided that I 'll write a bit in English as well from now on.On friday morning when I sat on truupie (humper's car) to go to work from Lakeland, 'cos Kylie stayed in organics on that day. On the car there was a Corean boy who reminded me another boy who left two months ago. And I noticed he having the same red Australia cap that I wear. I only sayd good morning. After a while of working two new humpers joined us. And yes, one of them was Bong. He is back. And it made me so glad, 'cos I gotsome news about ex - humpers and whats important, he knows how the work goes and is able to do it. Lately we have had problems with new people, "cos they dont make it in the heat and give up soon. And what I find funny is that the big and strong guys are the first to go, whereas guys who appear to be weak endure much better. And he bought the same hat because he remembered me having one :). So now we are "hat twins".And we can call Billy and Bong Billybong again!:) (Billabong is popular Australian fashion company. Well I hadn't heard of it back home ...)

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