Ja eelmise blogi vastus on siin! Pildil oli lehm, maasikad ja kreem teemaline loomulikult :P. Oleme Sheppartonis tööl juba kolmandat nädalat, ning need toredad fiiberklaasist lehmad on siinkandis igalpool. / And the answer to last blog question is here! A cow, with cream and strawberries as the theme :P. We r working in Shepparton, it´s our third week here already, and thesegirls r everywhere.
Allpool valik lehmi! / More pics below!
Kas pole tore kiri?! :D / Moos means jam in Estonian
Kui rohkem pilte tahate, siis pange moooving art google´sse ja tuleb igasugu lk: nt see siin on päris hea: lehmad If you would like to see more just type mooving art on your search bar... here´s a pretty good page as well
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