Tegelikult sellest lausest jääb viimaste seikluste kirjeldamiseks väheks... ütleme nii, et kui meie seiklustest film teha siis see on film sõprusest ja seiklustest mis enamusel silmist pisara välja pigistab. Aga sellest kuulete võibolla kunagi hiljem.... praegu ütlen vaid niipalju, et kõik on korras ja edasi saab vaid ülesmäge minna :).
Actually this sentence is not enough to describe our latest adventures... lets just say that if we would write a movie script - about friendship and adventures, it would probably bring tears to onlookers eyes. But this is a theme for coming years maybe.... for now everything is ok and from here it can go only upwards :).
29. dets 2009
18. dets 2009
Jõululõna Melbourne´is / Christmas dinner in Melbourne
6nda detsembri hommikul sõitsime Sheppartonist kus me töötame, rongiga Melbourni, eesmärgiks külastada Eesti Maja ja osa võtta sealsest traditsioonilisest jõululõunast.
Rongijaamas platvormilt tänavale väljudes tabas mind mälestustetulv kahe aasta tagant kui täpselt samas kohas läksin K -ga A - le ja M -le vastu ning kuidas me neile seljatagant järele hiilisime ning kuidas A põhjapõdrasarved juba kaugelt silma hakkasid :D.
Kuigi ma olen suht vähe Melbournis aega veetnud, on ta üks mu lemmiklinnu (muidu mulle suurlinnad tavaliselt väga ei meeldi), ma ei teagi miks, seal on lihtsalt selline euroopalik tunne ning nii palju erinevat õhustikku...
Algul kolasime veidi kuninganna Victoria turul ja kesklinnas ning edasi trammitasime Eesti Majja. Nii hea tunne on linnas ringi liikuda kui sa juba tead kus asjad asuvad :D. Söömaajale eelnes eeskava, laulu, tantsu ja näitemänguga, ka minu maakodu valla traditsioonilised rahvarõivad olid esindatud, täitsa nostalgiline meeleolu tuli. Ja siis toodi välja pidusöök! Hapukapsas ja verivorst, leib, pohlamoos,hapukurk jne, mis kodus nii tavaline on pani siin suu ikka korralikult vett jooksma.
Öö veetsime toreda eesti neiu juures ning järgneva päeva kolasime veel mööda linna, minul peamine eesmärk suurematele kunstipoodidele pilk peale visata.õhtul sõitsime tagasi farmi, meeles mõlkumas kindel soov veel pikemale avastusretkele tagasi tulla ning ehk siis saab ka muust huvitavast blogisse pikemalt kirjutatud ;).
On the morning of 6th December we took the train from Shepparton, where we work, to Melbourne, to visit Estonian House and have a traditional Estonian Christmas dinner there.
Stepping out to the street from the train station brought a flood of memories from two years back, when I went with my friend K to meet A and M and how we sneaked up to them, ´cos A´s raindeer antlers were visible from a mile away... :D.
Although I haven´t spent much time in Melbourne, it´s becoming to be one of my favourite cities (I usually don´t like big cities), I don´t know why, it´s just the feel of Europe and all those different moods there...
Spent some time in Queen Victoria market and city centre before took the tram to Estonian House. It´s such a good feeling to walk around in the city and already know where things are :D. Before eating, there was singing, dancing and a play which to me created pretty nostalgic mood. Sourcraut, blood sausage, dark bread, lingonberry
jam, pickles in estonain way etc, which all are pretty common stuff back home were here a total feast!
Spent the night at one estonain girl´s lovely place and the next day exploring the city, where my main focus was on browsing what local art supply stores have to offer. In the evening when heading back to the farm there formed a definite plan to come and explore more and maybe then I´ll get some more interesting facts up here too ;).

Rongijaamas platvormilt tänavale väljudes tabas mind mälestustetulv kahe aasta tagant kui täpselt samas kohas läksin K -ga A - le ja M -le vastu ning kuidas me neile seljatagant järele hiilisime ning kuidas A põhjapõdrasarved juba kaugelt silma hakkasid :D.
Kuigi ma olen suht vähe Melbournis aega veetnud, on ta üks mu lemmiklinnu (muidu mulle suurlinnad tavaliselt väga ei meeldi), ma ei teagi miks, seal on lihtsalt selline euroopalik tunne ning nii palju erinevat õhustikku...
Algul kolasime veidi kuninganna Victoria turul ja kesklinnas ning edasi trammitasime Eesti Majja. Nii hea tunne on linnas ringi liikuda kui sa juba tead kus asjad asuvad :D. Söömaajale eelnes eeskava, laulu, tantsu ja näitemänguga, ka minu maakodu valla traditsioonilised rahvarõivad olid esindatud, täitsa nostalgiline meeleolu tuli. Ja siis toodi välja pidusöök! Hapukapsas ja verivorst, leib, pohlamoos,hapukurk jne, mis kodus nii tavaline on pani siin suu ikka korralikult vett jooksma.
Öö veetsime toreda eesti neiu juures ning järgneva päeva kolasime veel mööda linna, minul peamine eesmärk suurematele kunstipoodidele pilk peale visata.õhtul sõitsime tagasi farmi, meeles mõlkumas kindel soov veel pikemale avastusretkele tagasi tulla ning ehk siis saab ka muust huvitavast blogisse pikemalt kirjutatud ;).
On the morning of 6th December we took the train from Shepparton, where we work, to Melbourne, to visit Estonian House and have a traditional Estonian Christmas dinner there.
Stepping out to the street from the train station brought a flood of memories from two years back, when I went with my friend K to meet A and M and how we sneaked up to them, ´cos A´s raindeer antlers were visible from a mile away... :D.
Although I haven´t spent much time in Melbourne, it´s becoming to be one of my favourite cities (I usually don´t like big cities), I don´t know why, it´s just the feel of Europe and all those different moods there...
Spent some time in Queen Victoria market and city centre before took the tram to Estonian House. It´s such a good feeling to walk around in the city and already know where things are :D. Before eating, there was singing, dancing and a play which to me created pretty nostalgic mood. Sourcraut, blood sausage, dark bread, lingonberry
jam, pickles in estonain way etc, which all are pretty common stuff back home were here a total feast!
Spent the night at one estonain girl´s lovely place and the next day exploring the city, where my main focus was on browsing what local art supply stores have to offer. In the evening when heading back to the farm there formed a definite plan to come and explore more and maybe then I´ll get some more interesting facts up here too ;).
Mõned hetked linnast: / Some snapshots from the city:
Mis on pildil?/What´s on the pic?
Ostsime ka mõned suveniirid: / Bought some souvenirs:
Kingitus farmiperele/ A present to the farm family
10. dets 2009
Natuke muuuvat kunsti/A little bit of Mooving Art
Allpool valik lehmi! / More pics below!
If you would like to see more just type mooving art on your search bar... here´s a pretty good page as well
26. nov 2009
Mis on pildil?/What´s on the pic?
Korjame aprikoose linna lähedal mis on neid tegelasi täis... kes ära arvab kes saab jäätise ja kes arvab ka kus (just selle kunstivormi järgi) saab teise pealekauba! Aga selleks tuleb mulle külla tulla... aga kui oled eestist siis pean mina koju jõudma ;)
(Külli ja Daphne - teie kahjuks arvata ei saa, sest teil ju teada! :) )
Picking apricots near the city thats full of those art forms... who guesses whats on the pic gets an ice-cream and also another when guesses also where. On condition that you come and visit me here or in Estonia ;)
(Külli and Daphne - sorry no participating for you thistime :) )
17. nov 2009
Carnarvon Rahvuspark / National Park
Emeraldist võtsime suuna Carnarvoni rahvusparki. Algus tundus paljulubav, nägin selleaasta esimesi elusaid känguruid (siiamaani olid ainult otsasaanud isendid teel... tundus juba, et kõik on allaaetud...).
Järgmisel hommikul asusime 22 kilomeetrisele matkarajale, mille ~8 tunniga ka läbisime. Päeva lõpuks olid küll villid tallaall, aga see tasus end ära ka. Ega mul midagi muud polegi öelda, kui et vaadake pilte! Sündmus leidis aset 31. oktoobril :).
From Emerald we headed towards Carnarvon NP. The beginning seemed promising, saw my first live kangaroos this year ( so far there had been only roadkills, so it was already seeming that there ain´t any live ones...).
Next morning we tackled the 22 kilometre walking track, which we passed in ~8 hours. Had blisters even under the soles of my feet, but it was totally worth it. Well, haven´t got much more to say - just look at the pics! This took place on the 31st of october :).
Matka kaart. Kõndisime lõppu ja siis käisime kõrvalteed tagasitulles läbi./Map of the hike. Walked till the end and then started discovering the side - paths.
Boowinda Gorge Minu lemmik nr 1. Seal oli nii jahe ja lummav kõndida - märka pildil inimest!/ My fav nr 1.. It was so cool and enchanting to walk there - notice a person on the pic!
Katedraali koobas/Cathredal cave (alumine ka/the bottom one as well)
Esimene madu! Jalutasin tast umbes meetri kauguselt mööda enne kui märksin. Aga tema on õnneks ohutu vennike :) / First snake! I passed him about a metre away. But this one is a safe one luckily :).
Mina piilun ka välja!/Peeping out!
Pisikeste poegadega oli palju isendeid/A lot of the roos had joeys
Mitu jalga on pildil?/How many legs there are on the pic?

See sisalik on teiste kõrval pisi-pisi/This one is small compared to others roaming around
Echidna ehk okassiga
Selline kitsuke rada viib.... /This tight track leads to...
...Minu lemmikuni nr 2. - Amfiteater!/...To my fav nr 2. - Amphitheatre!

Järgmisel hommikul asusime 22 kilomeetrisele matkarajale, mille ~8 tunniga ka läbisime. Päeva lõpuks olid küll villid tallaall, aga see tasus end ära ka. Ega mul midagi muud polegi öelda, kui et vaadake pilte! Sündmus leidis aset 31. oktoobril :).
From Emerald we headed towards Carnarvon NP. The beginning seemed promising, saw my first live kangaroos this year ( so far there had been only roadkills, so it was already seeming that there ain´t any live ones...).
Next morning we tackled the 22 kilometre walking track, which we passed in ~8 hours. Had blisters even under the soles of my feet, but it was totally worth it. Well, haven´t got much more to say - just look at the pics! This took place on the 31st of october :).
Pisikeste poegadega oli palju isendeid/A lot of the roos had joeys
Ward´s Canyon
16. nov 2009
Värvide linnas/In the city of colours
Jõudsime täna Orange` sisse, mis reklaamib end kui värvide linna, sest siin on neli aastaaega. Vaatasime juba postkaarte ka (me kogume igst kohast kus käime, nii et aasta lõpuks on vist meetrikõrgune kuhi....) ning ühel pildil olid härmas puud, nii ilus... Austraalias on lund küll, mõnes kohas paksem kui kodus isegi :P. Muidu siin on hetkel kevad ja oi kui ilus! Sest roosid ja puud õitsevad mitmetes värvides, kuldnokad ja musträstad (kes siin on natuke paksemad meiearust ning naersime, et sellepärast et siin on iga nurga peal üks teatud kiirsöögi koht, kes teab see teab ;) ) laulavad ning teeäärtes on valge ristikhein ja teelehed! Me oleme sellest suht vaimustuses, sest me ju ikkagi armastame Eesti loodust ning sarnase nägemine teeb südame soojaks. Siin on asjal muidugi väike vunk juures, kuldnoka kõrval istub imekirju papagoi ning veidrad põõsad on ümberringi. Tüütu poole pealt on siin metsikult kärbseid, kogu aeg on must parv ümber, ning käed kui tuuleveskid, nii et tänaval on päris naljakas inimesi ringikäimas vaadata. Kuigi enamud inimesi sõidab autoga, jalakäijaid on ikka uskumatult vähe. Kui fotoka aku laetud saan, panen pilte ka.
Selline lühike ülevaade tänasest, sellest mis vahepeal on juhtunud tuleb veel mitu sissekannet postitada...

Arrived in Orange today, which is known as the city of colours, becouse all 4 seasons are represented. Had a look on the postcards (we r buying them everywhere we stay, so should have a kilos worth when heading home XD) and found one with frosty trees - so pretty! It´s springtime here and so beautiful - all the trees are in bloom and also roses in many colours.... starlings and blackbirds are singing (although they look a bit more fatter than in Estonia, we were laughing that that is due to a certain fast food chain, who knows that knows ;) ) and on the roadsides there is clover and tea - leaf growing, so it is pretty much the Estonian spring that I love so much, only with a twist as there are colourful parrots and different trees all around too! :) From annoying view, there´s scores of flies here! It´s like you´re walking in a dark cloud and so it is pretty funny to see people on the streets, hands all the time going in every direction... though there are very few people actually on foot to be seen... When I get my cameras battery charged, I´ll add some pics as well.
So here was a little update, all of what has passed in between is still yet to come...
Selline lühike ülevaade tänasest, sellest mis vahepeal on juhtunud tuleb veel mitu sissekannet postitada...
Arrived in Orange today, which is known as the city of colours, becouse all 4 seasons are represented. Had a look on the postcards (we r buying them everywhere we stay, so should have a kilos worth when heading home XD) and found one with frosty trees - so pretty! It´s springtime here and so beautiful - all the trees are in bloom and also roses in many colours.... starlings and blackbirds are singing (although they look a bit more fatter than in Estonia, we were laughing that that is due to a certain fast food chain, who knows that knows ;) ) and on the roadsides there is clover and tea - leaf growing, so it is pretty much the Estonian spring that I love so much, only with a twist as there are colourful parrots and different trees all around too! :) From annoying view, there´s scores of flies here! It´s like you´re walking in a dark cloud and so it is pretty funny to see people on the streets, hands all the time going in every direction... though there are very few people actually on foot to be seen... When I get my cameras battery charged, I´ll add some pics as well.
So here was a little update, all of what has passed in between is still yet to come...
9. nov 2009
Elust viinamarjafarmis / Life in the grape farm
Veetsime kaks nädalat Emeraldi lähedal viinamarjafarmis. Allpool pildiseeria ka. Töid tegime mitut sorti, kakkusime lehti, rohisime, koristasime "pakkimis"kuuri (miks jutumärgid, sellest hiljem) ja korrastasime niisutusvoolikuid enne kui korjamise juurde asusime. Korjasime neid viinamarju, mis lauale lähevad, ilusad suured kollased ja punased marjad olid, seemneteta, maitsvad :P. Selles farmis töötajate eest ikka hoolitseti, väljadel oli seal kus töölised asusid teisaldatav varjualune ja wc ning ka piisavalt joogivett.
Miks me siis nii ruttu lahkusime? Kõiki asju ei hakka üles lugema, vaid põhiasjad: tööd oli väga vähe... mõnel päeval vaid kella kümneni... kuuest alustasime. Kui korjama asusime, siis avastasime, et me vaid ei korja - pakime, kaalume ka. Sellepärast kasutasingi jutumärke "pakkimis"kuuril, sest tegelikult tegime meie juba kõik töö ära ja seal kontrolliti vaid kaalu... nii et kaheinimesetöö ja poole inimese palk ei suutnud meid kaua hoida. Kuigi töö iseenesest oli väga lihtne, ära ei väsinud üldse ja viinamarjapuud pakkusid varju ka.
Spent two weeks working in a grape farm near Emerald. Take a look at the pics below. Had different kind of jobs: plucking leaves, weeding, cleaning the "packing" shed (why "", I´ll explain later) and flushed the irrigation hoses, before we started picking. We picked table grapes, big yellow and red ones, seedless, tasty :P. That farm was considering their workers comfort as well - movable sheds and toilets on the fields and plenty of drinking water.
So why did we leave so soon? Won´t write everything, just the main things: there weren´t enough work... some days we finished already at ten o´clock (started at six). When we started picking we discovered, that not only do we pick, but pack as well to the correct weight. Thatswhy "", ´cos we did all the job and people in the shed only had to check the boxes. So, two persons job and half a persons wages couldn´t keep us there. Although the work was really easy in itself, didn´t get tired or anything and the trees provided some shade as well.
Elasime farmi laagris, ülevaate saab piltidelt. / Lived in the farm camp, overview on the pictures.
Fakte elukohast:
Ühesed toad, osad paremas seisus kui teises. Meile sattusid need teised :D. Esimest korda sisse minnes tahtsin ribakardinat üles tõmmata - tuli hoopis alla põrandale... panin kähku naelte otsa tagasi ja rohkem ei puutunud XD. Toas voodi, tool ja kapp (uks oli eest ära, kapi taga) Aga mul oli vähemalt riiul - L - l polnud sedagi :D. Seinalamp oli ainult kaunistuseks, aga õhukonditsioneer ja laelamp töötasid! Mis on tore, on see, et me mõlemad võtame kõiki selliseid väikeseid viperusi (neid meil ikka juhtub!) ja ebamugavusi naljaga, nii et meil on täitsa lõbus. Aga muidu pole sellises toas mingi mure elada, ainult, et ma olen sama üüri eest kõigi mugavustega majas elanud, seega ma tean, et üür oli kõvasti ülepaisutatud.
WC ja dushiruum oli eraldi putkas, kaks köögi ja einestamisruumi olid majastiilis ehitatud. Pliite, külmkappe ja kraanikausse jagus, viimased oli küll pidevalt makaronidest umbes, kuigi silte mis palusid toidujäätmed prügikasti panna, oli mitmes keeles iga nurga peal ja suuri prügikaste ka igal sammul. See häiriski kõige rohkem, et toidujäänuseid oli pidevalt kõik kohad täis... enda järelt koristamist nagu väga ei näinud. Sotsiaalseks kogunemiskohaks õhtuti oli samuti söögituba, kus telekas ja kaks lauatenniselauda.
Facts about living:
Single rooms, ones in a better condition than others. We had the others :D. First time I entered the room and wanted to pull the blind up, it came down on the floor... I put it back hanging on the nails and didn´t touch it anymore XD. The room had a bed, chair and cupboard with no door, but ast least it had a shelf, L. didn´t even have that :D. Lamp on the wall was just a prop, but the aircondition and cealing lamp were working! What is great, is that we both take all those little happenings (and believe me there r a lot of those) and little uncomforties with laughter, so we do have a lot of fun :D. It wasn´t a bad room to live in, it´s just that I have lived in a fully furnished house with the same price... Toilets and showers had their own condos, as did laundry, two kitchens were built more in a shed style. There were plenty of fridges, stoves and sinks, last ones were always jammed with food scraps, though there were a lot of signs in different languages asking not to but them there and a big rubbish bins on every step. The abundance of food scraps laying everywhere was the most annoying thing there. Dining room was also the place to hang out in the evening, having a tv and two table tennis sets.

Miks me siis nii ruttu lahkusime? Kõiki asju ei hakka üles lugema, vaid põhiasjad: tööd oli väga vähe... mõnel päeval vaid kella kümneni... kuuest alustasime. Kui korjama asusime, siis avastasime, et me vaid ei korja - pakime, kaalume ka. Sellepärast kasutasingi jutumärke "pakkimis"kuuril, sest tegelikult tegime meie juba kõik töö ära ja seal kontrolliti vaid kaalu... nii et kaheinimesetöö ja poole inimese palk ei suutnud meid kaua hoida. Kuigi töö iseenesest oli väga lihtne, ära ei väsinud üldse ja viinamarjapuud pakkusid varju ka.
Spent two weeks working in a grape farm near Emerald. Take a look at the pics below. Had different kind of jobs: plucking leaves, weeding, cleaning the "packing" shed (why "", I´ll explain later) and flushed the irrigation hoses, before we started picking. We picked table grapes, big yellow and red ones, seedless, tasty :P. That farm was considering their workers comfort as well - movable sheds and toilets on the fields and plenty of drinking water.
So why did we leave so soon? Won´t write everything, just the main things: there weren´t enough work... some days we finished already at ten o´clock (started at six). When we started picking we discovered, that not only do we pick, but pack as well to the correct weight. Thatswhy "", ´cos we did all the job and people in the shed only had to check the boxes. So, two persons job and half a persons wages couldn´t keep us there. Although the work was really easy in itself, didn´t get tired or anything and the trees provided some shade as well.
Elasime farmi laagris, ülevaate saab piltidelt. / Lived in the farm camp, overview on the pictures.
Fakte elukohast:
Ühesed toad, osad paremas seisus kui teises. Meile sattusid need teised :D. Esimest korda sisse minnes tahtsin ribakardinat üles tõmmata - tuli hoopis alla põrandale... panin kähku naelte otsa tagasi ja rohkem ei puutunud XD. Toas voodi, tool ja kapp (uks oli eest ära, kapi taga) Aga mul oli vähemalt riiul - L - l polnud sedagi :D. Seinalamp oli ainult kaunistuseks, aga õhukonditsioneer ja laelamp töötasid! Mis on tore, on see, et me mõlemad võtame kõiki selliseid väikeseid viperusi (neid meil ikka juhtub!) ja ebamugavusi naljaga, nii et meil on täitsa lõbus. Aga muidu pole sellises toas mingi mure elada, ainult, et ma olen sama üüri eest kõigi mugavustega majas elanud, seega ma tean, et üür oli kõvasti ülepaisutatud.
WC ja dushiruum oli eraldi putkas, kaks köögi ja einestamisruumi olid majastiilis ehitatud. Pliite, külmkappe ja kraanikausse jagus, viimased oli küll pidevalt makaronidest umbes, kuigi silte mis palusid toidujäätmed prügikasti panna, oli mitmes keeles iga nurga peal ja suuri prügikaste ka igal sammul. See häiriski kõige rohkem, et toidujäänuseid oli pidevalt kõik kohad täis... enda järelt koristamist nagu väga ei näinud. Sotsiaalseks kogunemiskohaks õhtuti oli samuti söögituba, kus telekas ja kaks lauatenniselauda.
Facts about living:
Single rooms, ones in a better condition than others. We had the others :D. First time I entered the room and wanted to pull the blind up, it came down on the floor... I put it back hanging on the nails and didn´t touch it anymore XD. The room had a bed, chair and cupboard with no door, but ast least it had a shelf, L. didn´t even have that :D. Lamp on the wall was just a prop, but the aircondition and cealing lamp were working! What is great, is that we both take all those little happenings (and believe me there r a lot of those) and little uncomforties with laughter, so we do have a lot of fun :D. It wasn´t a bad room to live in, it´s just that I have lived in a fully furnished house with the same price... Toilets and showers had their own condos, as did laundry, two kitchens were built more in a shed style. There were plenty of fridges, stoves and sinks, last ones were always jammed with food scraps, though there were a lot of signs in different languages asking not to but them there and a big rubbish bins on every step. The abundance of food scraps laying everywhere was the most annoying thing there. Dining room was also the place to hang out in the evening, having a tv and two table tennis sets.
Meie putkade ringi keskel oli ainuke aiake, nii et parim koht! / Our block of condos had a little garden - the best block ;)
Paremal on eluruumid ja vasakul pesemisruumid. / On the right are living quarters and on the left one of the facilities condos.
Paremal on eluruumid ja vasakul pesemisruumid. / On the right are living quarters and on the left one of the facilities condos.
Tükike ülevaadet laagrist: vasakul elamisruumidega putka ja taga kaks köögihoonet, paremal tualett/pesemisruumidega putkad ja pesupesemisputka. / A little view to the camp: on the left living quarters and two kitchens, on the right facilities and laundry room.

Söögituba ja läbikäik kööki / Dining room and through to kitchen.
Söögituba ja läbikäik kööki / Dining room and through to kitchen.
Meie sõiduriist põllule / Our transport to the fields
Viinamarjaread! / Rows of grapes!
Niisutussüsteemi tuli kõvasti kolkida, et vesi jälle voolama hakkaks/ The irrigation hoses needed a lot of beating to get the water running
Lõuna varjualses / Lunch in the shady shed
Niisutussüsteemi ülevaataja sõitis sellise masinaga, mis tegi täpselt sama häält mis vanaisa traktor maal! / The irrigation work overseer drove around in this - it made exactly the same sound as my grandfathers old tractor!
Tualett :) / Outback dunny :)
Sellise käruga rallitasime ridade vahel korjates.... / Rolled around with this trolley when picking...
.... ning pakkisime seal kakarpi ning kaalusime marju / ... and packed and scaled the grapes on it
Puhastan kobarat / Cleaning the bunch
Viinamarjaninjad (rätikud sp, et bussis sõites keerutas tolmu kõik sisse ja suht võimatu oli hingata muidu. Punased sp, et autokardinateks ostetud lina oli veel üle...) / Grape ninjas ( Wearing masks, ´cos the bus ride involved a lot of dusty road, so it was pretty much impossible to breathe without. Red, ´cos the cloth was left over from our car curtains... )
Päikeseloojang ja äikesetorm. Üks viimastest õhtutest Emeraldis pakkus meile kauni lootuse vaatemängu. / Sunset and an electrical storm. One of the last nights in Emerald gave us a spectacular show of nature.
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