Eile k2isime kinos. Aga mitte tavalises. IMAX's. See on 3D kino. Ekraan oli kuus korda suurem kui tavalises eesti kinos. Kuna see oli minu esimene k2ik sinna siis oli ikka p2ris lahe. Film oli Beowulf, mis polnud v2ga hea, aga efekti see ei v2hendanud. Algul ikka tahtsid k2e v2lja sirutada ja katsuda ning kui miskit sinupoole lendas siis panid instinktiivselt silmad kinni.:)) Ja maastikustseenid olid ilusad.
Yesterday we went to the cinemas. But not to the ordinary one. It was 3D IMAX. The screen was six time bigger than in ordinary estonian cinema. Movie was Beowulf, which wasn't particulary good, but it didn't diminish the efect. At first you really wanted to reach out for the things and instinctivly closed your eyes when somethinf flew towards you :)). And the landscape scenes were beautiful.
29. dets 2007
26. dets 2007
Olen siis 6nnelikult Melbourne's. Lend m88dus filmi Stardust vaadates ja syya anti ka kohe k6vasti. Backpackerit otsides seiklesin veidi, aga see kuulub asja juurde ;). Ega muud suurt peale ringikolamise veel teinud pole. Homme algavad Eesti p2evad!
Ja muuseas - siin on kylm! No minu jaoks, kes yle 30 kraadise kuumusega harjunud on. Aga see jahedus on kodune. Ja t2itsa m6nus on kui riided seljas kuivad pysivad :)).
Ja muuseas - minu tel nr on 0447560810. +61 peaks Austraalia kood olema. Et siis +61447560810 :).
I have happily arrived in Melbourne. Flight was good - movie Stardust and plenty of food. I had a little adventure when looking for my backpacker, but it's just part of it ;). Haven't done much else besides discovering the city. Tomorrow - Estonia days!
And BTW, it is cold in here! At least for me, who I am used to over 30 degrees C heat. But this chilliness is homely. And it is quite nice when clothes what your'e wearing stay dry :)).
Ja muuseas - siin on kylm! No minu jaoks, kes yle 30 kraadise kuumusega harjunud on. Aga see jahedus on kodune. Ja t2itsa m6nus on kui riided seljas kuivad pysivad :)).
Ja muuseas - minu tel nr on 0447560810. +61 peaks Austraalia kood olema. Et siis +61447560810 :).
I have happily arrived in Melbourne. Flight was good - movie Stardust and plenty of food. I had a little adventure when looking for my backpacker, but it's just part of it ;). Haven't done much else besides discovering the city. Tomorrow - Estonia days!
And BTW, it is cold in here! At least for me, who I am used to over 30 degrees C heat. But this chilliness is homely. And it is quite nice when clothes what your'e wearing stay dry :)).
24. dets 2007
K2es ongi j6ulud, ning 2kki n2en ma, on ehtida j6udnud, end taevas ja maa....
Vot selline laulujupp kummitab mind... minul on ikka veel juulikuu. Igavene suvi. Aga see ei v2henda t2nase p2eva t2htsust.
Loodan et see aeg toob teile rahu sydamesse ja jaksu edasi liikuda. Olge 6nnistatud.
Loodan et see aeg toob teile rahu sydamesse ja jaksu edasi liikuda. Olge 6nnistatud.
I am in the land of eternal summer. But that doesn't make this day any less important. I hope this time will give you peace in your hearts and strength to move on. Be blessed.
Hyvastij2tt / Farewell
Bussiaknast paistab tee teisiti. Ymbrus on avaram. S6itsin esimest korda bussiga Cairnsi. Ja k6igi eelduste j2rgi ka viimast. Sydames olev kurbus asendus tasapisi rahuga ja edasise ootusega. Uskumatult raske oli lahkuda. M2lestused tulvasid iga pisiasja n2hes meelde ja tahtsid pisaratena v2ljuda. Inimesed on need kes koha sydamesse kasvatavad. Aga parem on ise minna kui j2lle maha j22da. Olen selle poole aasta jooksul rohkem hyvastij2tte l2binud kui ennem terve elu jooksul. M6ned on kerged, teised meenutavad end veel tyki aja tagant. Ja kui loodad, et oled juba harjunud, eksid...
Tee m88dub suht kiiresti. Pruun hobune valge tagumikuga, millel pruunid laigud. Avastan, et puud on omale rohelised kasukad, roosad 6ied kaunistuseks, ylle t6mmanud. M2rgid j2rk-j2rgult saabuvast vihmahooajast. Kasukad on tegelikult ronivad v22did, mis kardinatena yle puude on laotunud. Ahhetan seda ilu neelates. Miskip2rast on tunne nagu s6idaksin P2rnust Tartusse ylikooli. J6uan Cairnsi.
The road looks different from the bus window. The view is wider. Took the bus to Cairns for the first time. And for the last. Sadness in my heart began to give room for peace and expectations. It was unbelievably hard to leave. Every little thing brought a flood of memories which wanted to find their way out in tears. People are the ones that grow the place to your heart. But its better to go than be left behind again. I have said more goodbyes in the last half a year than before in my whole life. Some are easy, some still remind themselves after time has passed. And if you think it gets easier in time, you'r wrong...
The road passes by quickly. Brown horse with a white backside and brown dots on it. I discover that trees have covered themselves with green coats, which have pink flowers on them. The signs of coming rain season. The coats are climbing vines what hug the trees as falling curtains. My eyes swallow this passing beauty. Somehow I feel like taking the bus from P2rnu to Tartu, to go to university. Finally - Cairns.
Tee m88dub suht kiiresti. Pruun hobune valge tagumikuga, millel pruunid laigud. Avastan, et puud on omale rohelised kasukad, roosad 6ied kaunistuseks, ylle t6mmanud. M2rgid j2rk-j2rgult saabuvast vihmahooajast. Kasukad on tegelikult ronivad v22did, mis kardinatena yle puude on laotunud. Ahhetan seda ilu neelates. Miskip2rast on tunne nagu s6idaksin P2rnust Tartusse ylikooli. J6uan Cairnsi.
The road looks different from the bus window. The view is wider. Took the bus to Cairns for the first time. And for the last. Sadness in my heart began to give room for peace and expectations. It was unbelievably hard to leave. Every little thing brought a flood of memories which wanted to find their way out in tears. People are the ones that grow the place to your heart. But its better to go than be left behind again. I have said more goodbyes in the last half a year than before in my whole life. Some are easy, some still remind themselves after time has passed. And if you think it gets easier in time, you'r wrong...
The road passes by quickly. Brown horse with a white backside and brown dots on it. I discover that trees have covered themselves with green coats, which have pink flowers on them. The signs of coming rain season. The coats are climbing vines what hug the trees as falling curtains. My eyes swallow this passing beauty. Somehow I feel like taking the bus from P2rnu to Tartu, to go to university. Finally - Cairns.
22. dets 2007
Kirjutasin kokkuv6tte. Aga ma postitan selle millalgil hiljem.
T88 l6petasin teisip2eval. Yle pika aja oli aega raamat k2tte v6tta. Yann Martel "Life of Pi". Usutavalt uskumatu lugu india poisist kes seitse kuud Bengali tiigriga yhes p22stepaadis p2rast laevahukku elas. V6i oli see tiiger tegelikult tema ise? Kysimus j22b 6hku... P6nev ja kaasakiskuv. Kirjeldused on m6nikord liigagi elavad. Ja selles raamatus leidub v2ga h2id lauseid.
Laup2evane j6ulupidu oli s88mine, tantsimine ja karaokelaulmine. Viimases tegevuses olin esimene kes rambivalgusesse sattus, t2nu Brianile kes ameerika - eesti duetti n6udis. P2rast l2ksin koos Kylliga veel, aga mikrofon oli suht t2baras seisus ja ega eriti midagi kuulda polnud XD. No v2hemalt nalja sai. :)
Homme lahkun siis Lakelandist. Cairnsi. Ja teisip2eval lendan Melbourne'i. Eesti p2evad.
Finished work on Tuesday. Finally had time to read a book. Yann Martel "Life of Pi". Believably unbelievable story about an indian boy who spent seven months in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger, after their ship sinked. Or was he really the tiger? Question remains...Live descriptions that sometimes painted even too good picture before your eyes. You can find briliant sentences in that book.
Saturday night we had Christmas party at work. Eating, dancing and karaoke. On that last one I was the first to be in the spotlight, thanks to Brian who demanded an american - estonian duet. Later made one with Kylli as well, but the microfon was not so good state, so not much was heard XD. But we had fun. :)
Tomorrow I will leave Lakeland behind. Few days in Cairns and then Melbourne. Estonian days.
19. dets 2007
15. dets 2007
Minu 2ratuskell
Igal hommikul 2ratavad mind yles oma kriisklemisega need papagoid. Meie majakeste k6rval kasvavad mangopuud ja kuna viljad on just praegu valmimas, k2ib yks suur maiustamine. Ja suur mokalaat. Nende v2limus v6ib ju olla ilus, aga eelistan siiski kahvatuid eestimaa linde kes laulda oskavad... V6ibolla on asi tasakaalus - ilus sulestik ja pole lauluoskust ja vastupidi :). Sest oleks ju kurb kui yhel oleks antud k6ik ja teisele mitte midagi. Teisel pildil on ka mingi kohalik lind kelle nime mai tea :)).

Every morning I wake up to the noise of these birds, who are feasting on the mango trees that grow next to our houses. Yes noise. They have beautiful feathers but no voice to listen to. Thatswhy I prefer our not so colourful estonian birds who can sing so wonderfully...:) But I quess it's the balance in the nature - it would be sad one to have both voice and looks and the others nothing.
Every morning I wake up to the noise of these birds, who are feasting on the mango trees that grow next to our houses. Yes noise. They have beautiful feathers but no voice to listen to. Thatswhy I prefer our not so colourful estonian birds who can sing so wonderfully...:) But I quess it's the balance in the nature - it would be sad one to have both voice and looks and the others nothing.
9. dets 2007
K2isime Brianiga laup2eval "hobusejahil". Relvadeks olid muidugi kaamerad :).
Kohtusime yhe myrgiseima maoga - brown snake. 6nneks tema polnud enam elavate kirjas.
We met with one of the deadliest snakes. But the dead part was on it's side.

On Saturday, me and Brian went to "hunt" horses. Ofcourse, weapons were cameras.
We met with one of the deadliest snakes. But the dead part was on it's side.
Brian ja termiidipesa. Meetrik6rgune, aga yks v2iksemaid eksemplare.
Brian and a termite nest. About one meter high, but classification is small.
Brian and a termite nest. About one meter high, but classification is small.
7. dets 2007
Ma pole ammu midagi kirjutanud. Ja mitte sellep2rast et syndmusi v2he oleks. Pigem on liiga palju juhtunud, olen laisk olnud ja kuhjunud asju ykshaaval meenutama hakata enam ei viitsi... Yldjoontes: t88l on asjad meeskonna ja palga seisukohast muutunud, t88l k2ia on veel 8 p2eva.... :))Ja siis: idarannikut avastama! Ning siis loodetavasti: Uus - Meremaa!!!Ja k6ike seda uue kaamera uhke omanikuna ;P.
Esimese pildi panen yles endast. No mitte et ma nyyd nii edev oleksin :)) (A) ... vaid see on mu kallile emale kes ytles et tahaks mind n2ha... praegu tuleb veel pildiga leppida. Aga k6igile teistele ka kes 2ra on unustanud milline ma v2lja n2en ;).
Esimese pildi panen yles endast. No mitte et ma nyyd nii edev oleksin :)) (A) ... vaid see on mu kallile emale kes ytles et tahaks mind n2ha... praegu tuleb veel pildiga leppida. Aga k6igile teistele ka kes 2ra on unustanud milline ma v2lja n2en ;).
I haven't been writing anything for a while. And not because there isn't anything to write about. It is quite the opposite I would say - there has been many happenings coming one after another and I am just too lazy to remind them all... In general: work has changed from the aspect of team and status, I have only 8 more days to work here...:)). And then: east coast and hopefully NZ!!!
First pic I upload here that is taken with my new totally my own camera :P, is me. Not that I am so vain (A)... this is for my dear mother who sayd that she already really wants to see me... But this is also for everyone else who has forgotten how do I look like ;).
First pic I upload here that is taken with my new totally my own camera :P, is me. Not that I am so vain (A)... this is for my dear mother who sayd that she already really wants to see me... But this is also for everyone else who has forgotten how do I look like ;).
1. dets 2007
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