Ma pole ammu midagi kirjutanud. Ja mitte sellep2rast et syndmusi v2he oleks. Pigem on liiga palju juhtunud, olen laisk olnud ja kuhjunud asju ykshaaval meenutama hakata enam ei viitsi... Yldjoontes: t88l on asjad meeskonna ja palga seisukohast muutunud, t88l k2ia on veel 8 p2eva.... :))Ja siis: idarannikut avastama! Ning siis loodetavasti: Uus - Meremaa!!!Ja k6ike seda uue kaamera uhke omanikuna ;P.
Esimese pildi panen yles endast. No mitte et ma nyyd nii edev oleksin :)) (A) ... vaid see on mu kallile emale kes ytles et tahaks mind n2ha... praegu tuleb veel pildiga leppida. Aga k6igile teistele ka kes 2ra on unustanud milline ma v2lja n2en ;).
Esimese pildi panen yles endast. No mitte et ma nyyd nii edev oleksin :)) (A) ... vaid see on mu kallile emale kes ytles et tahaks mind n2ha... praegu tuleb veel pildiga leppida. Aga k6igile teistele ka kes 2ra on unustanud milline ma v2lja n2en ;).
I haven't been writing anything for a while. And not because there isn't anything to write about. It is quite the opposite I would say - there has been many happenings coming one after another and I am just too lazy to remind them all... In general: work has changed from the aspect of team and status, I have only 8 more days to work here...:)). And then: east coast and hopefully NZ!!!
First pic I upload here that is taken with my new totally my own camera :P, is me. Not that I am so vain (A)... this is for my dear mother who sayd that she already really wants to see me... But this is also for everyone else who has forgotten how do I look like ;).
First pic I upload here that is taken with my new totally my own camera :P, is me. Not that I am so vain (A)... this is for my dear mother who sayd that she already really wants to see me... But this is also for everyone else who has forgotten how do I look like ;).
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