K2isime Brianiga laup2eval "hobusejahil". Relvadeks olid muidugi kaamerad :).
Kohtusime yhe myrgiseima maoga - brown snake. 6nneks tema polnud enam elavate kirjas.
We met with one of the deadliest snakes. But the dead part was on it's side.

On Saturday, me and Brian went to "hunt" horses. Ofcourse, weapons were cameras.
We met with one of the deadliest snakes. But the dead part was on it's side.
Brian ja termiidipesa. Meetrik6rgune, aga yks v2iksemaid eksemplare.
Brian and a termite nest. About one meter high, but classification is small.
Brian and a termite nest. About one meter high, but classification is small.
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