Every morning I wake up to the noise of these birds, who are feasting on the mango trees that grow next to our houses. Yes noise. They have beautiful feathers but no voice to listen to. Thatswhy I prefer our not so colourful estonian birds who can sing so wonderfully...:) But I quess it's the balance in the nature - it would be sad one to have both voice and looks and the others nothing.
15. dets 2007
Minu 2ratuskell
Igal hommikul 2ratavad mind yles oma kriisklemisega need papagoid. Meie majakeste k6rval kasvavad mangopuud ja kuna viljad on just praegu valmimas, k2ib yks suur maiustamine. Ja suur mokalaat. Nende v2limus v6ib ju olla ilus, aga eelistan siiski kahvatuid eestimaa linde kes laulda oskavad... V6ibolla on asi tasakaalus - ilus sulestik ja pole lauluoskust ja vastupidi :). Sest oleks ju kurb kui yhel oleks antud k6ik ja teisele mitte midagi. Teisel pildil on ka mingi kohalik lind kelle nime mai tea :)).

Every morning I wake up to the noise of these birds, who are feasting on the mango trees that grow next to our houses. Yes noise. They have beautiful feathers but no voice to listen to. Thatswhy I prefer our not so colourful estonian birds who can sing so wonderfully...:) But I quess it's the balance in the nature - it would be sad one to have both voice and looks and the others nothing.
Every morning I wake up to the noise of these birds, who are feasting on the mango trees that grow next to our houses. Yes noise. They have beautiful feathers but no voice to listen to. Thatswhy I prefer our not so colourful estonian birds who can sing so wonderfully...:) But I quess it's the balance in the nature - it would be sad one to have both voice and looks and the others nothing.
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