Kui te ei ole veel lugenud Anni blogi,kus meie farmielu on kirjeldatud paraja irooniadoosiga, siis soovitan teil seda teha. Minu kirjeldus tuleb lihtnde ja lyhike ;). Niisiis, saime t88koha mangokorjajatena. Pyhap2eval tuli farmeri naine meile Mareebasse vastu ja viis meid 10 km kaugusel olevasse t88kohta. Mis sai ka meie elukohaks. Alguses oli tingimustega natuke raske harjuda - k88giks on pisike pausiruum ja kraanikauss on nurga taga, wc ja vannituba on koos yhe teise majakese kyljes, mis tekitas algul pidevaid j2rjekordi ning telgi panime katuse alla liivapeale, mis aga oli liiga k6va kyljealune ning juba esimesel 88l kobisime Anniga k6rvalolevasse kuuri, kus miskip2rast kaheinimese voodi seisab. Seal oli aga selline kopitanud hais sees, mis algul hinge kinni l6i. Asi oli selles, et teatud roomajate ohu t6ttu tuli ust 88d kui p2evad kinni hoida. Ja oi kui palav! Aga inimene harjub k6igega. Pealegi ei pea siin yyri maksma, mis on juba n2dalas k6va kokkuhoid. V6tsime kasutusele turvameetmed ja hakkasime uksi lahti hoidma ning nyyd on juba t2iesti mugav pesake meil kujunenud. Puudu on veel moskiitov6rk, mille aset t2idab praegu telgi pealmine kate, mis ka paistab ylesannet t2itvat. V6i on asi lihtsalt selles, et m6ni 88 s22sed leiavad meid yles ja teisel 88sel lihtsalt ei leia... ning pausiruumis on piljardilaud - nii et harjutada saan siin k6vasti, kui vaid viitsimist on. Kuigi peab tunnistama, et seni olen sama koba kui ennegi :).
P2ikeseloojangud on siin v6rratud!/ Sunsets here are breathtaking!

Our current place of recidence, is in a mango - avocadofarm, where we work and live. It is 10 kilometers out of Mareeba and the farmer's family is really kind and welcoming. Although the livingconditions needed a little time to getting used to. We placed our tent under the opened shed's roof, but already the first night was spent in a shed next to it, where for some reason is a double bed. The air in there didn't have a freshness in it, due to the all the time closed door, so it was not too nice at first. But after couple of days opened doors, it turned already a nice place. Although we had to build a little wall to keep the snakes and toads off and we placed our tent cover hanging over the door to keep the mosquitos off...well sometimes it is working and sometimes not :).The bathroom is further away in someone elses little cottage and for kitchen we have a little smokoroom and for water we have to go around the corner. But a person can get used to everything it seems! And besides, we have a pool table! Not that I am so far getting any better at it :p. After two weeks of mango picking, where thanks to God no - one from us got the rash from highly caustic mango sap, we were "lent out" to a neighbour avocado farm, until avocados will be ripe in ours. After three days working there, low payment made us look for something else. So we'll see is it better in our place. Anyway, meatfactory starts on 12 th of february. To go there we had to vaccinate for q - fever. So two weeks ago we went to Cairns and they did us skin and blood test to see if we have any antibodies. Sometimes it happens that after somekind of needle procedures I go on the edge of fainting. But I never faint. I just need a glass of water and some peaceful moments. So after skintest, where they put a little of the vaccine under the skin I felt a bit weak. After that we headed on to give blood. When I entered, the nurse already had heard from my friend that I am not so good at these things.So she seemed to be a bit nervous. She started to prepare my left arm and I was thinking: in estonia they have always taken the blood from my right arm. For a good reason I found out. My veins in left arm weren't really co-operative. So after two attempts where the nurse only got half of the needed amount I felt that the "picture is slipping away..." I asked for a glass of water and I got it but also I got a demand to lie down on the floor. Usually it is enough if I just sit, but I wasn't exactly on a state to argue... so when the nurse went to another room to prepare the bed for next try, I saw from between the door my friends surprised faces and later I heard all sorts of interesting theories XD. Anyway, in the other room she took the blood from my right arm and everything was fine... next week we got the vaccine and since the place of shot went painful we were keeping our arms out of the reach of pinching radius for next couple of days :p.
Mangokorjamine ise n2gi siis v2lja nii, et pikemate v6i lyhemate "aiak22ridega", kuhu vahele mango oma pikka vart pidi rippuma sai v6tta, l6ikasime viljad puult ja asetasime masinale mis seebivett pritsis, kus pesija nad varrest vabastas ja veidiks ajaks ritta seadis, et siis lindile lykata mis nood omakorda kasti transportis. Mangodega on asi sedamoodi, et nende varrest v2ljatulev "sapp" v6ib t6sist allergiat tekitada. Seda umbes 70% inimestest. Yks poiss oli siin t2iesti yles paistetanud paari p2evaga ja kriitilises seisus haiglasse viidud, millest ta 6nneks siiski v2lja tuli. Teistel n2gime punaseid kuplaid yles kerkivat, mis siis hullup88ra sygelesid. Meie seltskond on peale kahen2dalast t88d ja hulgalist sapiga kokkupuudet siiski terve nahaga asjast v2lja tulnud. 8eldakse, et see v6ib muidugi ka kuu aega hiljem alles avalduda, aga praegu t2name kyll Jumalat, et selle 30% 6nnelike hulka sattusime. Farmeri perekond on muidu h2sti tore, sydamlikud inimesed. Praegu on siis l6pul kolmas n2dal, mille veetsime naaberfarmis avokaadosid korates.(No v2hemalt osa sellest...sest ytleme nii et kolm p2eva tulemuseta rabelemist viis muudele t88otsingutele). Neid on kergeim korjata kui mangosid, aga kuna makstakse kasti pealt, siis ei teeni nende pisikestega eriti h2sti. Oma farmis on loodetavasti homseks avo'd valmis ja on lootust ka veits paremale palgale. Lahedaim mulje avokaadokorjamise esimesest p2evast j2ttis yks koer - mustavalgekirju borderkolli, kelle yks silm on sinine ja teine pruun - mis annab talle nii huvitava pilgu! Ning ta s6idab autokapoti peal kui t88le l2hme.
Yks meie kolmest farmikiisust otsustas eile 6htul ka veidi piljardit proovida! / One of our three farm cats decided yesterday to play some pool!
Fig tree
Eelmine n2dalvahetus k2isime Cape Tribulation' s. See on ainuke koht maailmas kus vihmamets kohtub korallrahuga. Ja seal on t6esti v6rratult ilus! Parim oli ujumask2ik kiirevoolulises ja kylmaveelises! j6ekeses, kus k2redamas kohas sai liaanidest kinni hoitud ja niiviisi voolu vastu m8llatud. Nii m6nus oli vooluga kiiresti allavoolu liikuda ja siis vaiksemas kohas end madalamasse vette v6idelda. Ja ma n2gin ulyssese liblikaid! No nii ilust sinist pole vist maailmas kyll mitte kusagil mujal! Nad on kiirelennulised ja suured ja kui see sinine siis pealtpoolt tiibadel vilgatab.... v6rratult ilus!Kuna Queenslandis m8llavad yleujutused - millest meie kuulsime muidugi eesti kaudu, sest meie kant on suht kuival (raadiot ei kuula ja telekat siin ise eriti ei vaata) - siis lihavabriku t88 algab 12. veebruaril. Aga selle lihakeskse t88 jaoks oli meil vaja end vaktsineerida Q - palaviku vastu. Algul tehti naha ja veretest,kontrollimaks antikehade olemasolu ja nende puudumisel siis vaktsiin. Nii et ma nyyd selgitaks veidi seda p6randallamamise ja oma veenide isiklikkuse teemat mis Anni blogis puudutatud :P. Miskip2rast ma v2ga ei kannata arstilk2ike mis sisaldavad endas systlaid. Mul ei ole hirmu protseduuril olles, aga kui asi l2bi saab v6ib mul silme eest mustaks minna.Ma ei minesta, vaid olen selle 22rel. Muuseas ma pole veel kordagi elus minestanud. Ja ykskord juhtus sarnane asi kuumuse t6ttu ka. Ju see mingi alateadvuse v2rk on... Igatahes klaasi vee ja sygava hingamise j2rel tulen ma paari minutiga sellest v2lja. Niisiis, nahatesti j2rel tundsin kerget n6rkushoogu (systlaga pandi veidi vaktsiini nahaalla) ning sealt l2ksime kohe edasi vereproovi andma. Minu eelk2ia j6udis arstit2di informeerida, et ma selliseid asju v2ga ei kannata ja t2di paistis natuke n2rvis olevat. Ytlesin kyll, et lobisedes ja m6tteid mujal hoides pole hullu... niisiis, v6ttis ta ette mu vasaku k2e kyynarvarre 6ndlas asuva veeni.Eestis on alati paremast v6etud, m6tlesin ja tuli v2lja, et ka p6hjusega. P2rast kahte eba6nnestunud katset kus ta m6lemal korral vaid poole kogusest k2tte sai, tundsin, et no nyyd hakkab asi k2est 2ra minema. Mainisin seda ka t2dile kes siis mulle klaasi vett andis ja natuke 2hmis olles n6udis et ma p6randale pikali heidaksin. No tavaliselt mulle istumisest t2iesti piisab, aga ei olnud just vaidlemisseisundis kaa... seega kui t2di ukse lahti tegi, et teises toas voodi valmis panna uueks verev6tu katseks, n2gin oma kaaslaste yllatunud n2gusid ooteruumist vastu vaatavat. Kobisin siis teise tuppa ja paremast k2est oli nagu naksti tegu tehtud. J2rgmine kord olen targem ja mainin seda juba ette... Aga siis tuli veel yks j2relefekt mis oli omamoodi p2ris tore. V2ljas on temperatuur yle kolmekymne ja niiskus on l2mmatav, sees on 6hukonditsioneeride t6ttu jahe. Mul igatahes hakkasid hambad kylmast plagisema, mida pole juba mitu kuud juhtunud. Nii et ma tundsin natuke Eesti talve :). Nii ma siis jalutasin m88da linna, vatitupsud m6lema k2e peale kleebitud :P. Kuna keegi meist immuunne polnud, saime n2dalap2rast vaktsiinisysti ka 2ra. Siis mai k6ssanudki n6ela n2hes. Ju sai eelmine kord omajagu ette juba :). Hoiatati, et systikoht v6ib valusaks minna. Algul polnud nagu midagi, aga 6htul l6i l6puks v2lja ja nii me sii k2isime k6ik paar p2eva oma hella kohta teiste n2pistamisulatusest v2ljas hoides ;).
Our current place of recidence, is in a mango - avocadofarm, where we work and live. It is 10 kilometers out of Mareeba and the farmer's family is really kind and welcoming. Although the livingconditions needed a little time to getting used to. We placed our tent under the opened shed's roof, but already the first night was spent in a shed next to it, where for some reason is a double bed. The air in there didn't have a freshness in it, due to the all the time closed door, so it was not too nice at first. But after couple of days opened doors, it turned already a nice place. Although we had to build a little wall to keep the snakes and toads off and we placed our tent cover hanging over the door to keep the mosquitos off...well sometimes it is working and sometimes not :).The bathroom is further away in someone elses little cottage and for kitchen we have a little smokoroom and for water we have to go around the corner. But a person can get used to everything it seems! And besides, we have a pool table! Not that I am so far getting any better at it :p. After two weeks of mango picking, where thanks to God no - one from us got the rash from highly caustic mango sap, we were "lent out" to a neighbour avocado farm, until avocados will be ripe in ours. After three days working there, low payment made us look for something else. So we'll see is it better in our place. Anyway, meatfactory starts on 12 th of february. To go there we had to vaccinate for q - fever. So two weeks ago we went to Cairns and they did us skin and blood test to see if we have any antibodies. Sometimes it happens that after somekind of needle procedures I go on the edge of fainting. But I never faint. I just need a glass of water and some peaceful moments. So after skintest, where they put a little of the vaccine under the skin I felt a bit weak. After that we headed on to give blood. When I entered, the nurse already had heard from my friend that I am not so good at these things.So she seemed to be a bit nervous. She started to prepare my left arm and I was thinking: in estonia they have always taken the blood from my right arm. For a good reason I found out. My veins in left arm weren't really co-operative. So after two attempts where the nurse only got half of the needed amount I felt that the "picture is slipping away..." I asked for a glass of water and I got it but also I got a demand to lie down on the floor. Usually it is enough if I just sit, but I wasn't exactly on a state to argue... so when the nurse went to another room to prepare the bed for next try, I saw from between the door my friends surprised faces and later I heard all sorts of interesting theories XD. Anyway, in the other room she took the blood from my right arm and everything was fine... next week we got the vaccine and since the place of shot went painful we were keeping our arms out of the reach of pinching radius for next couple of days :p.
Last weekend we took a trip to Cape Tribulation. The only place in the world where rainforest meets the reef. And it was so beautiful up there! We went swimming in a cold and fast creek where in one place we hold on to the lianas to fight the current and then let go to go down the creek with high speed swimming - it was loads of fun! And I saw the Ulysses butterfly - I don't think there is more beautiful blue anywhere in the world!
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