19. veebr 2008

Uus kodu

T2na on p6hjust t2histamiseks! Kolime korterisse kaheks kuuks. T2itsa mugav on teine ja mitmekesi tuleb sama hind mis backpackerilgi on. Ja seal on ahi kus kypsetada saab! :P ( Me oleme sellest juba tykk aega puudust tundnud). Rand on ka kiviga visata, nii et nyyd me juba muretseme, et t88le ei viitsi enam minna XD. Vot selline tore p2ev t2na :).
Vahest on elu ikka naljakas. Istusime seal maja ees, oodates kinnisvarat2di ja Mati tegi v2ikese kihlveo, kas ta saab kolme viskega paberi prygikasti. Viimast polnud muidu mitte kuskil n2ha. No lubasime talle yhe dollari anda kui ta seda teeb. Ja siis natukese aja p2rast tuleb k6rvalmajast v2lja vanat2di, prygikasti j2rel vedades... naer on terviseks :).

Pildil on Kookaburra, kelle h22litsus on kui inimnaer. Siin kyll vangistuses, aga neid on muidu igalpool vabalt ka. / The "laughing bird" Kookaburra.

Today there is a reason for celebration! We are moving into a fully furnished apartment which costs the same price as backpacker. And there is an owen! So we can bake again :P. And a beach close by, so we are a bit worried that too lazy to go to work now XD. A good day :).

Sometimes life is funny. We were sitting in front of the house, waiting for the real estate representative and Mati made a bet that he can throw a paper in the rubbish with three throws. But there were no rubbish bins close by. Still we promised to give him 1 dollar when he makes it. And then after a while from the neighbours house comes an old lady and she is pulling a rubbish container behind her.... :).

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