Eelmine reede j2i meil avokaadofarmis viimaseks p2evaks.Kuna on vihmahooaeg, siis viimastel p2evadel hakkas see juba t88d segama. Saime paar korda t2iesti l2bim2rjaks, aga kuna on soe, siis see pole eriti ebameeldiv. Kujutage ette eesti suve parimat paduvihma ja 2ikest. Nyyd m6elge et see on veel tugevam ja kestab mitu tundi. Ja saate selle mis siin toimub :). Ja kui myristab, siis ikka k6vasti... olen paari sellist k2rgatust kuulnud et k6rvad j22vad lukku. Viimane oli yhel suurel sajup2eval farmis kui elektriliini sisse l6i ja farmi arvutivarustuse rivist v2lja l6i. Plaanisime n2dalavahetusel juba Townsville poole liikuma hakata, et tee peal huvitavaid turismil6kse kylastada, aga vihm tegi omad korrektuurid. Laup2eval veetsime p2eva vihmahallis Mareebas ja pyhap2eval p2rast toredat baptistikiriku kylastamist otsustasime veidike p2ikest n2hes koski kylastama minna. J6udsime vaid veidi eemale, kui vihm meile j2rele j6udis. M6ned kosed vaadatud ja kraater ka j2lle kylastatud (mina ja K. olie neis paigus juba k2inud) olime l2bim2rjad ja Mungalli Greek Dairy' sse s6ites oli n2htavus vaid 5. meetri kaugusele. P2rast kuuma shokolaadi ja pizzat oli tunne j2lle parem :). 6htul saabusid farmi veel kolm eesti tydrukut, yks kes seal juba varemgi oli. Nii et korraga oli yhes farmis juba 7 eestlast! Esmasp2eva hommikul pool neli oli minul ja K-l 2ratus - ja muidugi Matil kes meid autoga Mareebasse viskas... l2ksime yhe s6bra juurde kes veel Lakelandis t88l on ja s6itsime LL-i oma yhesilmsele piraadile j2rgi. Varajasest 2ratusest hoolimata, autos enam magama ei j22nud. Algul proovisin, aga korraks silmi lahti lyyes ja vaadates, et liigume m2est alla otse vee poole hakkas 2kitselt liiga huvitav. St. et yks j6gi oli oma tee r66msalt yle silla rajanud. Umbes 30 cm k6rgusele. Just veel paras, et v2ikese autoga l2bi j6uaks. Aga pimedas oli ikka natuke adrenaliinirikas kyll. Vool oli suht kiire ja tuli 22re pealt ka minna, sest palk oli teiselpool ees, mis muuseas ikkagi autokylge suutis riivata. Saime siiski 6nnelikult yle ja edasine teekond m88dus viperusteta. Kuigi v2ike mure tekkis, et kas me p2rast tagasi saame...Home Farmi mineku viimase jupi jalutasime. Oli ikka tunne kyll natuke nagu koju l2heks...Bella (kass kes sinna majakaaslaste hooleks j2i) oli kohe nii r66mus meid n2hes et k2is sylest sylle ja muudkui nurrus :). Poisid suutsime ka r66msalt 2ra ehmatada :). M6ne tunni p2rast s6itsime j2lle tagasi, aga see lyhike aeg seal oma toreda s6prusseltskonnaga pani natuke k6ike seda taga igatsema... Bellaga tuli ka j2lle hyvasti j2tta :(, aga kyllap me kohtume veel. Kylastasime veel paari tuttavat kohta ning tagasiteel saime j6est suurema auto j2rel ka ilusti yle. Ytlesime oma farmeritele ja t88kaaslastele hyvasti ning s6itsime edasi. P2ev m88dus Cairnsis ja j2rgmisel hommikul ytlesime oma piraadile lammutust88kojas (kus automyyjana peaaegu et t88le oleks v6etud :p) hyvasti... ning l2ksime kalale. Laenutasime paadi ja s6itsime j6ge m88da ookeani 22rest sisemaale. Vaade oli ilus aga kala ei saanud. Paari sulpsatajat siiski kalda22res n2gime.:D Ja kui mangroovimetsa 22res vaikselt istuda, kuuled sealt nii huvitavaid h22li, lindude erilisi laksatavaid hyydeid ja kellegi vaikset sabistamist... Paat oli selline pisike julla, mis neli inimest vaid mahutaski. Tagasitulles oli retke l6busaim osa, sest tuul oli tugevnenud ja lainetus pritsis meid j2rjekordselt l2bim2rjaks :p. Nii et Townsville j6udsime alles 88l vastu kolmap2eva mis oli meil juba lihavabriku esimene t88p2ev...
Last Friday was our final day in avocadofarm. Rainseason, which so far was pretty dry in our place, really started to give notice about itself. There were days we got thoroughly wet, but as it was warm it wasn't so bad. The thunder here is a lot louder than back home. And seems to hit things more often...the sound which followed lightning strike into the powerlines was almost deafening. And when it rains, it is like a grey curtain over the landscape and it lasts for hours. So when on Sunday we made a day trip to Tableland, the driving visibility was like only 5 meters ahead... we went, 'cos morning was clear and we wanted to see the waterfalls again. We got wet and it was a bit chilly, but hot chocolate and pizza afterwards made us warmer again ;). In the evening three more estonians came to our farm - 7 at one place here, not bad! :)We had an early morning on Monday - wake up at 3.30, as me and K drove back to Lakeland, to get the other "one-eyed-pirate" car. On the road was a river that happily had crossed its boundaries and flooded the bridge. It was about 30 cm over, and fast flowing, so in the darkness it was adrenaline filled crossing. Especially when one floating lodge kicked into the side of the car. But we got over it and only worry was how to get back...As we walked towards our last living place, a little feeling of coming home surfaced from somewhere and made it joyous too see it again. And we managed to "scare" our housemates, as they didn't know we're coming. And of course our cat Bella! She was also happy to see us... These few hours in that good friendship company were really worth the sleepless night.After few hours we drove back and crossed the river after a bigger car that made the way. We said goodbye to our good farmers and friends who we miss and spent some time in Cairns. Gave our car to the wrecklers, who almost hired us as car sellers :p. And then we went fishing. Hired a little four person dingy and drove up the river to inland. We didn't catch any, but it was beautiful and the best part was returning, when we had wawes that splashed us all wet :). So we arrived to Townsville at Wednesday night, Wednesday morning being our first day in meatfactory...
Last Friday was our final day in avocadofarm. Rainseason, which so far was pretty dry in our place, really started to give notice about itself. There were days we got thoroughly wet, but as it was warm it wasn't so bad. The thunder here is a lot louder than back home. And seems to hit things more often...the sound which followed lightning strike into the powerlines was almost deafening. And when it rains, it is like a grey curtain over the landscape and it lasts for hours. So when on Sunday we made a day trip to Tableland, the driving visibility was like only 5 meters ahead... we went, 'cos morning was clear and we wanted to see the waterfalls again. We got wet and it was a bit chilly, but hot chocolate and pizza afterwards made us warmer again ;). In the evening three more estonians came to our farm - 7 at one place here, not bad! :)We had an early morning on Monday - wake up at 3.30, as me and K drove back to Lakeland, to get the other "one-eyed-pirate" car. On the road was a river that happily had crossed its boundaries and flooded the bridge. It was about 30 cm over, and fast flowing, so in the darkness it was adrenaline filled crossing. Especially when one floating lodge kicked into the side of the car. But we got over it and only worry was how to get back...As we walked towards our last living place, a little feeling of coming home surfaced from somewhere and made it joyous too see it again. And we managed to "scare" our housemates, as they didn't know we're coming. And of course our cat Bella! She was also happy to see us... These few hours in that good friendship company were really worth the sleepless night.After few hours we drove back and crossed the river after a bigger car that made the way. We said goodbye to our good farmers and friends who we miss and spent some time in Cairns. Gave our car to the wrecklers, who almost hired us as car sellers :p. And then we went fishing. Hired a little four person dingy and drove up the river to inland. We didn't catch any, but it was beautiful and the best part was returning, when we had wawes that splashed us all wet :). So we arrived to Townsville at Wednesday night, Wednesday morning being our first day in meatfactory...
A friend in HF/ Sõber kes tuli välja aidata
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