30. apr 2008

Aotearoa IV

Tour with Flying Kiwi
Soovikisn, et oskaksin maalida. Maalida s6nadega, pintsliga... maalida kasv6i killukestki sellest mis Taevaisa silma ette laotanud on...
Selleks pole s6nu, kirleldamaks mida tunned kui vaatad yle peegelsileda j2rve, et n2ha ymbritsevate m2gede samadetailset peegeldust kui siis kui suurim peegel oleks maapinda katma pandud... k6ige krooniks k6rgumas lumise tipuga UM - a k6rgeim m2gi Aoraki ehk Mt. Cook. Istusin vist kyll oma tund aega lihtsalt kaldal ja ei tydinud vaatamisest. Olime oma esimeses "p66salaagris" (mis t2hendab, et pole vett, vaid ainult kuivk2imla) Pukaki j2rve kaldal. Laagrisse j6udmiseks l2bibme pika tee kalda22rt m88da ja tegime ka v2ikese peatuse yhel kynkatipul, et peegeldust imetleda. Giid ytles, et tema on yle aasta seda rada s6itnud, kuid n2eb esimest korda sellist vaatepilti. Ja see oli alles vaatepilt!

Lake Pukaki / Pukaki j2rv

J2rgneval p2eval matkasime Mt Cooki rahvuspargis Tasmaania liustiku jalamile. Minu yks reisi lemmikretki. Lumised m2etipud mis talvest ilmaj22nule t6id omamoodi r66mu sydamesse ja tahtmise lumes6da korraldada :). Rada mis viib k6rgelt yle k2restikulise j6e, on vahepeal nii kitsas k6rgel kaljuserval et k6rvu k6ndima ei mahu, laudteed mis yle valgete 6itega tipitud aasa kulgevad... Kui m2gesid silmitsedes pilku veidi teritada hakkas igaltpoolt silma valgeid lindikesi, mis allavoogavate kosekeste asukohti m2rkisid. Ning l6puks j2rv, mis oma j22kamakatega veelgi talver66me meelde t6i.

Matk Mt. Cooki rahvuspargis / Hiking in Mt. Cook NP

I wish I could paint. Paint with words, with brush on the canvas... to paint even only a little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has layd out before our eyes... there are no words in my mind to describe what you feel when looking over a silky smooth lake and seeing the reflection of the landscape in there in the highest detail, like a mirror covering the ground. And the crown of the image being Mt. Cook - the highest peak in NZ. I think I sat on the shore of the lake for a long time and still didn't get tired of the view.
We were in our first "bush camp", that being a campsite with no tap water, on the shore of lake Pukaki. On our way there we drove a long way following the shoreline and on top of one hill we just stopped to admire the sight. Our guide sayd, that he has been on this route for over a year, and hasn't seen it so calm and reflective before. We were so lucky!
The following day we hiked to the Tasman glacier lake in Mt. Cook National park. It was one of my favourite places on that tour. The snowy peaks of the mountainrange that brought a joy to my heart and a wish to arrange a snow fight, a track leading high over a fast flowing river and on the side of the cliffedge, wooden boardwalks going over pastures dipped with white blossoms... If you looked closely to the surrounding mountains, you could see a white ribbon here and there, marking a little waterfall finding its way down. And finally the lake, which with it's floating icebergs reminded wintery funs even more.

to be continued...

27. apr 2008

Aotearoa III

Flying Kiwi tuur.
Rangitata Gorge.
Hommikune 2ratus ilmutas end tuhandeh22lse lambakarja n2ol. Pool unes, pool ilmsi kuulsin end ymbritsetud olevat voogavast "m22 - m22" merest, kus iga h22l sama oman2oline kui inimkooris. K6rgele yhtlasele j2rgnes madal ja katkendlik... segatud karjakoera t88haugatustega ja karjapoisi karmi ja valju "tagasi" k2sklustega. Nina telgist v2lja pistes silmasin valge villamere ja m2gede kohale kerkiva p2ikese esimesi punetavaid kiiri. Lambah22led kaugusse kadumas, haaras k6rv midagi kaugelt tuttavat - laululindude tervitust hommikule, mida polnud ammu kuulnud (minu kuuldud Oz linnud on rohkem "lihtsalt h22litsejad" tyypi), vajusin kodumetsi meenutades tagasi unedemaale.

Rangitata Gorge asub l6unaalpide l2hedal ja on yks ytlemata m6nus koht. Laagriplatsi peahoone oli t6eline puidust m2gionn, kus eelneval 6htul peale rikkalikku grill6htut, toimus tuuri ainukene filmi6htu Surf's Up - i vaadates. Seal saab ka viienda klassi (mis on k6rgeim) white water raftingut (e.k. siis suure kummipaadiga m88da k2restikulist j6ge kihutamine?) harrastada.

Eelmisel p2eval veetsime paar tundi Christchurch'is - mis ei ole kindlasti piisav aeg selle koha avastamiseks - kus meiega yhines 8 uut inimest.

UM maam2rkidest l2bisime pikima silla ja pikima sirge tee l6igu.

Rangitata Gorge.
My wake-up call was the sound of a thousand sheep. Half sleeping, half awake I heard myself surrounded by the waves of sheep voices, each one as unique as in human choir. One with high and steady was followed by a low and interrupting...it all was mixed with the barking of the sheepdog and the shepherd's loud and harsh cryes: "get back!". Looking outside I noticed the rays of rising sun peaking over the mountains and the sea of white wool. The sounds of the herd faiding, my ear caught something familiar, something I hadn't heard a long time - songbirds greetings to the morning. (The birds in Oz are more of a noise making type.) With the forests of home in my mind I fell back to the dreamland.

Rangitata Gorge is near the Southern Alps, and is a beautiful place. The office of the campsite is really cousy wooden lodge, where after a delicious bbq, we had our one and only movie night during the tour. Relaxing and adventure go hand in hand there, 'cos u have an opportunity to do white water rafting on a class five (which is the highest) river.

The day before we spent couple of hours in Christchurch - which definately ain't enough to explore this city - and 8 new people joined the tour after some had sayd goodbye.

From the landmarks of NZ we passed the longest bridge and longest straight road.

to be continued...

22. apr 2008

Aotearoa II

Flying Kiwi tuur / The tour with Flying Kiwi

Kaikoura.See oli nagu unen2gu. Misp2rast, pole kindel. V6ibolla enne viite t6usmine, vb, sest prille polnud ees ja k6ik paistis veidi h2gusam v6i vb oli kylm see mis mu taju muutis. Kuid see ei v2henda selle kogemuse ehedust. N2ha enda all ja ymber liuglemas vabalt elavaid delfiine, pead veest v2lja t6stes ymberringi uimi s2hvatamas ja nii m6ndagi m2ngulist kukerpalli vee kohal keerlemas.

Varajasele 2rkamisele j2rgnes lyhike s6it Kaikoura delfiinikohtumisjaama, kus meile ujumisylikonnad,lestad ja snorgeldamisvarustus jagati. Peale lyhikest 6ppevideo vaatamist s6itsime bussiga sadamasse paatide juurde ning asusime oma metsikuid s6pru otsima. Ei kulunud kaua nende marsruudi leidmiseks - t6usva p2ikese kiired langemas veest v2ljahyplevatele kujudele... - ja vette vupsatamiseks. Vesi oli kuskil 18 kraadi ringis (troopikast tulnule paras katsumus XD), ylikond hoidis siiski veidi sooja ja samas ka veepeal. Varem ma snorgeldanud pole, nii et algul oli p2ris raske. Nina on 6huringlusest v2ljalylitatud, kylma t6ttu tahaks kiiremini hingata (soovitati just vastupidist) ja seega oligi algul selililamamist ja 6hkuahmimist. P2rast veidikest harjumist hakkas p2ris tore sulistamine pihta. Unustasid kylma ja j2lgisid vaatem2ngu, ise samal ajal laulu v6i hyyatusi yhmates, et delfiine end uudistama meelitada. Vahepeal ujusime paati tagasi, et delfiinide liikumisele vastavalt edasi s6ita. Kokku k2isime 5 korda vees, korraga umbes 5 kuni 10 minutit.L6ppvaatuseks sai paadist piltide kl6psimine ja yhe vallatu j2lgimine, kes oma 10 korda j2rjest tagurpidisaltosid viskas :).

Igati v2rskendav hommik!

Kaikoura. It was like a dream. Why? I am not sure. Maybe getting up before five in the morning, maybe, because I didn't have my glasses and everything was a little bit blurrier than usually, or maybe was cold the factor that alternated my perception. But this dosen't change the wonderfulness of this experience. To see wild dolphins gliding by below you, lift up your head and see the fins cutting the water and sommersaults spinning above it.

We got up before dawn and took a taxi to dolphin encounter, where we were given our swimsuits,flippers and snorkeling gear. After short introductionary video - what to do and what not to do - we took a busride to the harbour to board the boat. Finding our wild friends didn't take long - to see the rays of the rising sun be broken by the jumps of those magnificent creatures... - and then we jumped into the water. Water tempererature was somewhere around 18 degrees (tough one after tropics XD), but the swimsuit provided some warmth and kept you floating. I have not snorkeled before, so it was quite hard at first. Breathing through nose is out of the picture, you would like to breathe fast, 'cos you are cold (recommended was just the opposite) and so it was a lot of laying on the back and trying to find some oxigen at first. After some time I was used to the snorkeling mask and the fun begun. I forgot the cold and enjoyed the sight. To make yourself interesting for the dolphins we were all making noises and humming as much as the mask alowed.That was quite funny! :) To catch up with dolphins route, we swam back to the boat and drove on. So we went to the water 5 times, every session from 5 to 10 minutes.The dot on the I was taking pictures from the boat and observing them. One joyful one made like 10 backward somersaults in a row!

Refressing morning in every way!

to be continued...

14. apr 2008

Lehmad ja ilutulestik / Cows and fireworks

Viimasel ajal keerleb elu siin Oz - l muudkui lehmade ymber. T88l on lehmad, meelelahutuses on lehmad, kaasavarakas on lehmad...

Viimased 2 n2dalat on j2lle t88d rygatud, v2ga sellest r22kida ei taha, aga pole ebatavaline 12 tundi jutti t88tada, sest pidevalt on yleaeg, nii et kui koju j6uad pole jaksu muuks kui s88miseks, trenniks ja magamaminekukus. Jooksma hakkasingi k2ima, sest terve p2ev yhel kohal seistes j22vad lihased nii kangeks, et v2ike liigutamine tuleb ainult kasuks. Kuigi idee tulli juba UM - l peale elu raskeimat matka millest ma veel siia postitada pole j6udnud. Nii hea tunne ja tuju oli p2rast matka.

Meelelahutuse lehmad - k2isime rugbyt, ehk siis midagi ameerika ja euroopa jalgpalli vahepealset vaatamas. Kohalik meeskond Cowboys - ehk siis lehmapoisid - tegid angerjatele suht lihtsalt p2he. M2ng minujaoks eriti huvitav polnud, aga tuleval n2dalavahetsel m2ngivad Lehmapoisid Uus-Meremaa S6dalaste vastu - seda tahaks kyll n2ha, sest on lootust maori tantsu - haka - n2ha.

Laup2eva 6htul tegime koos m6nede lihavabriku s6pradega rannas v2ikese grill6htu Mati auks, kes see n2dal UM tee jalge alla v6tab. Joseph Sudaanist r22kis kuidas neil seal elu - olu on, mida oli v2ga p6nev kuulata. Ja saime siis teada, et Kylli (kuna ta on pikim ja seal on pikad naised hinnas) on v22rt 150 lehma ja mina 130 :D. Kui seal naine abiellub on just lehmad need mida peig pruudi perekonnale andma peab. Eks siis arvutage kaasavara ise v2lja kui 1000 dollari eest saab neli lehma!

Ilutulestikku armastavad ozid v2ga. Eelmise n2dala jooksul 6nnestus 3x korralikule raketilaskmisele peale sattuda. Iga syndmus annab selleks p6hjuse. Nt eile oli pyhap2ev! Kuigi tegelikku p6hjust me ei tea, aga meie otsustasime, et sellep2rast. :)

Lately, life here in Oz has a lot to do with cows. Cows are at work, in entertainment, for dowry...
Last 2 weeks have gone by mostly at work, it is not unusual to have 12 hour workdays, so when you go home you have enough strength left to eat, exercise and go to sleep. I took up running, 'cos at work you are almost all the time standing at one place, so your muscels are so stiff at the end of the day that some movement can only be beneficial. Although I got the idea to exercise in NZ, when after the toughest hike of my life (about what I still have to post here) I felt really good.

Cows in entertainment - we went to see a rugby match. Local team Cowboys beat the Eals quite easily. The game wasnt much interesting for me, but on the coming weekend they are playing against NZ Warriors- I would like to see that 'cos there is a possibilit to see haka, wich I didnt have a chanche to see in NZ.

On Saturday evening we had a small bbq at the beach with some friends from work. It was for Mati who starts his journey to NZ this week. Joseph from Sudan told us about the life in his homecountry, which was really interesting. We found out that Kylie is worth 150 and I 130 cows :D. (If a woman gets married the groom gives cows to the family and the taller the wife, the more cows she is worth.) So do some math and find out our worth when you get 4 cows for 1000 austr. dollars!

People here in Oz are really fond of fireworks it seems. Last week we managed to see it on three occasions. And not some little ones. They came close to New Years eve celebrations. Yesterday after church when we saw one again and we didn't know the occasion, we desided it was 'cos it was Sunday! :)

6. apr 2008


5 p2eva wellingtonis/ My 5 days in Wellington
Vaade Victoria m2elt / A view from Mt. Victoria

Wellington. Mida ma esimesena hommikul (khm keskpäeval, sest siinne aeg on Queenslandi omast 3h ja Eestist siis lausa 11h ees...) välja minnes märkasin ja täheldasin seda terve päeva jooksul, et inimesed jooksevad. Sõna otseses mõttes. Ning ma ei mõtle seda inimvoolu, mis linnatänavail voogab ja millele jalgu ei tasu jääda, vaid vähemalt igas pooltunnis tuleb sulle vastu mitte vähem kui kaks inimest, kes seda sporti harrastavad. Kusjuures kesklinnas. Mis siis veel äärealadel toimub? Tervislikud eluviisid on toredad. Ma pole mujal sellist jooksulembust kohanud, aga kuulsin neilt kes ilma rohkem näinud, et see suht tavaline... Ja miks mitte heas füüsilises vormis olla kui pidevalt liigud mäest üles, siis jälle alla...Kesklinna piirkonnast vähegi kaugemale astudes, oled nagu Tartus, mille Riiamägi on iga kandi pealt eri tõusu - langusnurkade abil vallutanud. Noormeestele kes rulasõitu harrastavad on see muidugi suurepärane elukoht, nägin päris palju ahhetamapanevaid sõiduman88vreid kui nad liikluses autodevahel vuhisesid. Etterutates ütlen, et tagasi Austraaliasse jõudes alustasin ise ka jooksmas käimist, aga mitte sellepärast mis ma Wellingtonis nägin. Nende põhjusteni jõuan ma millalgil hiljem.

Tykike Civic square' st Wellingtonis, m6nus rahulik ja hea vaatega koht istumiseks, raamatulugemiseks... tahtsin ka kuuluda nende kunstitudengite hulka kes seal tohututele paberitele ymbritsevat arhidektuuri mitmekesisust j22dvustasid / A lovely place to sit, read - I wanted to be one of those art students who sat and draw on enourmous papers all the surrounding archidectural variety - a piece of Civic Square in Wellington

Wellington. The first thing I noticed, when I headed out in the morning (well, it was actually midday already, but I was still in QLD time, which was 3h behind, Estonia even 11h...) and throughout the day, that people are running. Literally. And I am not only talking about the fast moving amount of people on the streets that you dont want to get on the way of, but in every half an hour you meet at least two people sporting. And that in the centre of the city. What happens then in the suburbs? Healthy habits are good. I have not met anywhere else that amount of fondness in running, but from the people who have seen the world a lot more i heard it is quite common... and why not to have a good stamina, when going a bit further from the centre you are already moving on a landscape of highs and lows, going all the time up or down. Also a good place for people who are skateboarding, i saw quite a lot of awe inspireing manouvers in midst of the traffic.Getting a little ahead in the story, I can say that now back in Australia I have taken up running as well, but not because what I saw in Wellington. I will reach these reasons later.

Ja siis kohe selle istumiskoha vastas oli selline kiri... :D/ and then, just opposite of my sitting place were these words... :D
Kui ma jalad veresoonde panen, mahun ma sinivaala südamesse pikali heitma. Kui see seest õõnes oleks muidugi. Väikelaps mahuks suuremates veresoontes vabalt ringi roomama. Sellisele avastusele tulin Te Papa Tongarewa muuseumis, kus peale maavärina kogemuse (6,5 Richteri skaalal) - päris raske ikka püsti jääda kui kuskilt kinni ei hoia; haarasin oma teadmistesse veel palju muud infot loodusnähtuste, inimtegevuste ja looduse - inimeste suhete kohta, seda nii traditsiooniliste väljapanekute viisil kui ka kõrgtehnoloogia interaktiivsete väljundite abil. Pean tunnistama, et peaaegu pooled väljapanekud jäid vaatamata, kella mul kaasas ei olnud, aga ligikaudu 4h veetsin küll vaalade ja delfiinide seltskonnas. Ja sedagi ei jõudnud päris lõpuni! Muuseum pandi enne kinni. Videod, arvutisimulatsioonid - kus alates delfiini konstrueerimisest ja selle vette lastes teadasaamisest kui hea arhidekt olid (sain 3 korraga oma roboti nagu päris :)), lõpetades animeeritud isendite fotode klõpsimisega, kus võrdled fotot andmebaasiga ja saad teada kus ja kes too loom päriselus on... + veel hulgaliselt skelette ja muud kraami - kõik see viis aja tormituule tiivul. Ja guljaðð maitses kohvikus kah hästi. Kuigi kodusega muidugi võrrelda ei anna :P.

If I put my legs into a bloodvessel, I can lay down in the heart of a blue whale. Ofcourse on that case, it sould be hollow from inside. A toddler could crawl around freely in the bigger blood vessels. These discoveries I made in the museum of Te Papa Tongarewa, where after experiencing an earthquik (6,5 on Richter scale) - it is quite hard to retain your balance if you are not holding on to something; I gained knowledge about nature, man and nature relationships etc. That through traditional exhibition methods and also with the help of interactive technology. I have to admit that I didnt make it to almost half of the exibithions, I didnt have a watch, but I spent at least 4 hours in the company of whales and dolphins. And I even didnt finish that one entirely! The museum was being closed before I could. Videos, computer animations - from constructing a dolphin and releasing it into the water to see how good of an archidect you were (I got my robot close to a real one in 3 trys :)) , to taking photographs of animated animals and then comparing them to database of real animals in the wild to see information who and where they are... + heaps of sceletons and other stuff - all this took the time away on the wings of stormwind. And guljaðð in the cafeteria tasted good as well. Although the one back home is better :P.

Kelle j2lje mina leidsin!/ Look what I found! ;)

Kolmanda wõrratu Wellingtoni (edaspidi WW) päeva veetsin sõrmuste isanda filmi (edaspidi lotr) kohalikke võtteplatse külastades, seda vahva Rover tuuride giidi ja kuue teise fänni toreda seltskonna saatel. Peale filmi sai palju infot ka WW kohta, kui eri kohtadesse sõitsime. Victoria mäe alt läheb läbi 2 tunnelit - ühte kutsutakse rahvasuus Happy tunnel - ehk siis õnnelik tunnel. Kui sealt läbi sõidad, võid autosignaaliga vabalt ümber käia, nädalavahetusel pidi sealt jalgsi läbiminek kuulmisele suht surmav olema XD. Meie neljapäevane läbiminek algas suht vaikselt, aga keskel saime ka teised autod tuutamismaratonile kaasa, jätkasime ka veidi väljas, kus kõrvaloleval staadionil inimesed juba mitmendat päeva tõsiselt kriketimatsi jälgisid XD.Tuuriga käis kaasas ka korralik lõuna , kuhu kuulus ka oma nime vääriv shokolaadikook :P ; palju nalja sai kääbikuteks, haldjateks ja võluriteks ümberkehastudes.Pärast sõitsin "kaabelautoga" üles botaanikaaeda, kus oma pettumuseks leidsin, et observatoorium on juba pikemat aega renoveerimisel, tutvusin ühe toreda poemüüjaga, kes Eestit tahab külastada ja imetlesin oma tuuril tutvutud ja taaskohatud paari kaaslasega botaanikaaia, eriti roosiaia ilu. Tagasi hosteli jalutades kadusin tunnikeseks järjekordsesse tohutusse raamatupoodi, kahekordne, ja kohvik ka veel raamaturiiulite vahel peale mugavate tugitoolide... no lihtsalt ei saa sealt enam tulema ju! :)

Iga f2nni unistustelett :p / Every fans dreamshelf

The third day of wonderful Wellington (WW) I spent exploring the local sets of Lotr, that together with Rover tours great guide and six other fans of the movies. Besides movie, we got information about WW as well, when driving around the city. There is two tunnels going through Mt. Victoria and one of them is called Happy tunnel. You can beep your car horn as much as you like in there, and it is not recommended to go through there on foot, especially on the weekends, cos its quite deadly to your hearing XD. Our ride on Thursday started quite quietly, but in the middle we managed to get other cars to join in in the beeping marathon, and we continued a little on the outside as well, passing through a stadion where for a number of days people were seriously into cricet.The tour involved a delicious lunch, including a shocolate cake that totally deserved its name :p. We had loads of fun getting into the roles of hobits, elves and wizards.Later I took the cablecar up to the botanic gardens, where, to my dissapointment I found the observatory closed for renovations, met a shop assistant who wants to visit Estonia and marvelled at the botanic gardens and especially rose garden beauty. On the way to my hostel I stumbled upon another huge bookshop,where I spent at least an hour, with two stories, cafe and comfortable armchairs... you just cant get out of there! :)

Teel Pictonisse, praami pardal. Minumeelest on see saar kyll lamava kiiwilinnu kujuline! / On my way to Picton with interislander . In my opinion this island looks like a lieing kiiwibird!

to be continued...