Rangitata Gorge.
Hommikune 2ratus ilmutas end tuhandeh22lse lambakarja n2ol. Pool unes, pool ilmsi kuulsin end ymbritsetud olevat voogavast "m22 - m22" merest, kus iga h22l sama oman2oline kui inimkooris. K6rgele yhtlasele j2rgnes madal ja katkendlik... segatud karjakoera t88haugatustega ja karjapoisi karmi ja valju "tagasi" k2sklustega. Nina telgist v2lja pistes silmasin valge villamere ja m2gede kohale kerkiva p2ikese esimesi punetavaid kiiri. Lambah22led kaugusse kadumas, haaras k6rv midagi kaugelt tuttavat - laululindude tervitust hommikule, mida polnud ammu kuulnud (minu kuuldud Oz linnud on rohkem "lihtsalt h22litsejad" tyypi), vajusin kodumetsi meenutades tagasi unedemaale.
Rangitata Gorge asub l6unaalpide l2hedal ja on yks ytlemata m6nus koht. Laagriplatsi peahoone oli t6eline puidust m2gionn, kus eelneval 6htul peale rikkalikku grill6htut, toimus tuuri ainukene filmi6htu Surf's Up - i vaadates. Seal saab ka viienda klassi (mis on k6rgeim) white water raftingut (e.k. siis suure kummipaadiga m88da k2restikulist j6ge kihutamine?) harrastada.
Eelmisel p2eval veetsime paar tundi Christchurch'is - mis ei ole kindlasti piisav aeg selle koha avastamiseks - kus meiega yhines 8 uut inimest.
UM maam2rkidest l2bisime pikima silla ja pikima sirge tee l6igu.
Rangitata Gorge.
My wake-up call was the sound of a thousand sheep. Half sleeping, half awake I heard myself surrounded by the waves of sheep voices, each one as unique as in human choir. One with high and steady was followed by a low and interrupting...it all was mixed with the barking of the sheepdog and the shepherd's loud and harsh cryes: "get back!". Looking outside I noticed the rays of rising sun peaking over the mountains and the sea of white wool. The sounds of the herd faiding, my ear caught something familiar, something I hadn't heard a long time - songbirds greetings to the morning. (The birds in Oz are more of a noise making type.) With the forests of home in my mind I fell back to the dreamland.
Rangitata Gorge is near the Southern Alps, and is a beautiful place. The office of the campsite is really cousy wooden lodge, where after a delicious bbq, we had our one and only movie night during the tour. Relaxing and adventure go hand in hand there, 'cos u have an opportunity to do white water rafting on a class five (which is the highest) river.
The day before we spent couple of hours in Christchurch - which definately ain't enough to explore this city - and 8 new people joined the tour after some had sayd goodbye.
From the landmarks of NZ we passed the longest bridge and longest straight road.
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