14. apr 2008

Lehmad ja ilutulestik / Cows and fireworks

Viimasel ajal keerleb elu siin Oz - l muudkui lehmade ymber. T88l on lehmad, meelelahutuses on lehmad, kaasavarakas on lehmad...

Viimased 2 n2dalat on j2lle t88d rygatud, v2ga sellest r22kida ei taha, aga pole ebatavaline 12 tundi jutti t88tada, sest pidevalt on yleaeg, nii et kui koju j6uad pole jaksu muuks kui s88miseks, trenniks ja magamaminekukus. Jooksma hakkasingi k2ima, sest terve p2ev yhel kohal seistes j22vad lihased nii kangeks, et v2ike liigutamine tuleb ainult kasuks. Kuigi idee tulli juba UM - l peale elu raskeimat matka millest ma veel siia postitada pole j6udnud. Nii hea tunne ja tuju oli p2rast matka.

Meelelahutuse lehmad - k2isime rugbyt, ehk siis midagi ameerika ja euroopa jalgpalli vahepealset vaatamas. Kohalik meeskond Cowboys - ehk siis lehmapoisid - tegid angerjatele suht lihtsalt p2he. M2ng minujaoks eriti huvitav polnud, aga tuleval n2dalavahetsel m2ngivad Lehmapoisid Uus-Meremaa S6dalaste vastu - seda tahaks kyll n2ha, sest on lootust maori tantsu - haka - n2ha.

Laup2eva 6htul tegime koos m6nede lihavabriku s6pradega rannas v2ikese grill6htu Mati auks, kes see n2dal UM tee jalge alla v6tab. Joseph Sudaanist r22kis kuidas neil seal elu - olu on, mida oli v2ga p6nev kuulata. Ja saime siis teada, et Kylli (kuna ta on pikim ja seal on pikad naised hinnas) on v22rt 150 lehma ja mina 130 :D. Kui seal naine abiellub on just lehmad need mida peig pruudi perekonnale andma peab. Eks siis arvutage kaasavara ise v2lja kui 1000 dollari eest saab neli lehma!

Ilutulestikku armastavad ozid v2ga. Eelmise n2dala jooksul 6nnestus 3x korralikule raketilaskmisele peale sattuda. Iga syndmus annab selleks p6hjuse. Nt eile oli pyhap2ev! Kuigi tegelikku p6hjust me ei tea, aga meie otsustasime, et sellep2rast. :)

Lately, life here in Oz has a lot to do with cows. Cows are at work, in entertainment, for dowry...
Last 2 weeks have gone by mostly at work, it is not unusual to have 12 hour workdays, so when you go home you have enough strength left to eat, exercise and go to sleep. I took up running, 'cos at work you are almost all the time standing at one place, so your muscels are so stiff at the end of the day that some movement can only be beneficial. Although I got the idea to exercise in NZ, when after the toughest hike of my life (about what I still have to post here) I felt really good.

Cows in entertainment - we went to see a rugby match. Local team Cowboys beat the Eals quite easily. The game wasnt much interesting for me, but on the coming weekend they are playing against NZ Warriors- I would like to see that 'cos there is a possibilit to see haka, wich I didnt have a chanche to see in NZ.

On Saturday evening we had a small bbq at the beach with some friends from work. It was for Mati who starts his journey to NZ this week. Joseph from Sudan told us about the life in his homecountry, which was really interesting. We found out that Kylie is worth 150 and I 130 cows :D. (If a woman gets married the groom gives cows to the family and the taller the wife, the more cows she is worth.) So do some math and find out our worth when you get 4 cows for 1000 austr. dollars!

People here in Oz are really fond of fireworks it seems. Last week we managed to see it on three occasions. And not some little ones. They came close to New Years eve celebrations. Yesterday after church when we saw one again and we didn't know the occasion, we desided it was 'cos it was Sunday! :)

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