Selleks pole s6nu, kirleldamaks mida tunned kui vaatad yle peegelsileda j2rve, et n2ha ymbritsevate m2gede samadetailset peegeldust kui siis kui suurim peegel oleks maapinda katma pandud... k6ige krooniks k6rgumas lumise tipuga UM - a k6rgeim m2gi Aoraki ehk Mt. Cook. Istusin vist kyll oma tund aega lihtsalt kaldal ja ei tydinud vaatamisest. Olime oma esimeses "p66salaagris" (mis t2hendab, et pole vett, vaid ainult kuivk2imla) Pukaki j2rve kaldal. Laagrisse j6udmiseks l2bibme pika tee kalda22rt m88da ja tegime ka v2ikese peatuse yhel kynkatipul, et peegeldust imetleda. Giid ytles, et tema on yle aasta seda rada s6itnud, kuid n2eb esimest korda sellist vaatepilti. Ja see oli alles vaatepilt!
Lake Pukaki / Pukaki j2rv
J2rgneval p2eval matkasime Mt Cooki rahvuspargis Tasmaania liustiku jalamile. Minu yks reisi lemmikretki. Lumised m2etipud mis talvest ilmaj22nule t6id omamoodi r66mu sydamesse ja tahtmise lumes6da korraldada :). Rada mis viib k6rgelt yle k2restikulise j6e, on vahepeal nii kitsas k6rgel kaljuserval et k6rvu k6ndima ei mahu, laudteed mis yle valgete 6itega tipitud aasa kulgevad... Kui m2gesid silmitsedes pilku veidi teritada hakkas igaltpoolt silma valgeid lindikesi, mis allavoogavate kosekeste asukohti m2rkisid. Ning l6puks j2rv, mis oma j22kamakatega veelgi talver66me meelde t6i.
Matk Mt. Cooki rahvuspargis / Hiking in Mt. Cook NP
I wish I could paint. Paint with words, with brush on the canvas... to paint even only a little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has layd out before our eyes... there are no words in my mind to describe what you feel when looking over a silky smooth lake and seeing the reflection of the landscape in there in the highest detail, like a mirror covering the ground. And the crown of the image being Mt. Cook - the highest peak in NZ. I think I sat on the shore of the lake for a long time and still didn't get tired of the view.
We were in our first "bush camp", that being a campsite with no tap water, on the shore of lake Pukaki. On our way there we drove a long way following the shoreline and on top of one hill we just stopped to admire the sight. Our guide sayd, that he has been on this route for over a year, and hasn't seen it so calm and reflective before. We were so lucky!
The following day we hiked to the Tasman glacier lake in Mt. Cook National park. It was one of my favourite places on that tour. The snowy peaks of the mountainrange that brought a joy to my heart and a wish to arrange a snow fight, a track leading high over a fast flowing river and on the side of the cliffedge, wooden boardwalks going over pastures dipped with white blossoms... If you looked closely to the surrounding mountains, you could see a white ribbon here and there, marking a little waterfall finding its way down. And finally the lake, which with it's floating icebergs reminded wintery funs even more.
to be continued...
2 kommentaari:
Aga Sa ju jätad kogu selle ilu oma hinge ja nii maalid oma hinge veelgi kaunimaks. pealegi on kõige tähtsam, et seda ei saa keegi Sinult ära võtta ega rikkuda.
See on nii ilusti öeldud...aitäh sellise kauni mõtte eest!
Kui ma seda kirjutasin, siis seda maalimist ma mõtlesin sellena, et ma oskaks teistele edasi anda kuidagi seda ilu... aga eks seda peab pigem ise kogema!
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