Kaikoura.See oli nagu unen2gu. Misp2rast, pole kindel. V6ibolla enne viite t6usmine, vb, sest prille polnud ees ja k6ik paistis veidi h2gusam v6i vb oli kylm see mis mu taju muutis. Kuid see ei v2henda selle kogemuse ehedust. N2ha enda all ja ymber liuglemas vabalt elavaid delfiine, pead veest v2lja t6stes ymberringi uimi s2hvatamas ja nii m6ndagi m2ngulist kukerpalli vee kohal keerlemas.
Varajasele 2rkamisele j2rgnes lyhike s6it Kaikoura delfiinikohtumisjaama, kus meile ujumisylikonnad,lestad ja snorgeldamisvarustus jagati. Peale lyhikest 6ppevideo vaatamist s6itsime bussiga sadamasse paatide juurde ning asusime oma metsikuid s6pru otsima. Ei kulunud kaua nende marsruudi leidmiseks - t6usva p2ikese kiired langemas veest v2ljahyplevatele kujudele... - ja vette vupsatamiseks. Vesi oli kuskil 18 kraadi ringis (troopikast tulnule paras katsumus XD), ylikond hoidis siiski veidi sooja ja samas ka veepeal. Varem ma snorgeldanud pole, nii et algul oli p2ris raske. Nina on 6huringlusest v2ljalylitatud, kylma t6ttu tahaks kiiremini hingata (soovitati just vastupidist) ja seega oligi algul selililamamist ja 6hkuahmimist. P2rast veidikest harjumist hakkas p2ris tore sulistamine pihta. Unustasid kylma ja j2lgisid vaatem2ngu, ise samal ajal laulu v6i hyyatusi yhmates, et delfiine end uudistama meelitada. Vahepeal ujusime paati tagasi, et delfiinide liikumisele vastavalt edasi s6ita. Kokku k2isime 5 korda vees, korraga umbes 5 kuni 10 minutit.L6ppvaatuseks sai paadist piltide kl6psimine ja yhe vallatu j2lgimine, kes oma 10 korda j2rjest tagurpidisaltosid viskas :).
Igati v2rskendav hommik!
Kaikoura. It was like a dream. Why? I am not sure. Maybe getting up before five in the morning, maybe, because I didn't have my glasses and everything was a little bit blurrier than usually, or maybe was cold the factor that alternated my perception. But this dosen't change the wonderfulness of this experience. To see wild dolphins gliding by below you, lift up your head and see the fins cutting the water and sommersaults spinning above it.
We got up before dawn and took a taxi to dolphin encounter, where we were given our swimsuits,flippers and snorkeling gear. After short introductionary video - what to do and what not to do - we took a busride to the harbour to board the boat. Finding our wild friends didn't take long - to see the rays of the rising sun be broken by the jumps of those magnificent creatures... - and then we jumped into the water. Water tempererature was somewhere around 18 degrees (tough one after tropics XD), but the swimsuit provided some warmth and kept you floating. I have not snorkeled before, so it was quite hard at first. Breathing through nose is out of the picture, you would like to breathe fast, 'cos you are cold (recommended was just the opposite) and so it was a lot of laying on the back and trying to find some oxigen at first. After some time I was used to the snorkeling mask and the fun begun. I forgot the cold and enjoyed the sight. To make yourself interesting for the dolphins we were all making noises and humming as much as the mask alowed.That was quite funny! :) To catch up with dolphins route, we swam back to the boat and drove on. So we went to the water 5 times, every session from 5 to 10 minutes.The dot on the I was taking pictures from the boat and observing them. One joyful one made like 10 backward somersaults in a row!
Refressing morning in every way!
to be continued...
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