12. dets 2008
Kuna ma ei tea veel täpselt kuhu ma uuel aastal liigun, siis kindlat töökohta ma veel ei otsi. Aga finantsiliselt jalgelpüsimiseks sain jälle ühe asendustöö! See peaks andma aega oma asjad siin lõpetada ja leida kuhu edasi... mis veel lahedam, töö on Tartus, nii et saab jälle mõnda aega seal veeta! :D
8. dets 2008
Naerune pühapäev
24. nov 2008
Tuisune haldjamets
Muideks, kes teab sellist lk nagu elfwood.com siis ma olen ka seal nüüd ilusti esindatud :)) : Science fiction and fantasy art - gallery 767. Ma olen selle lk fänn tükk aega olnud, nii et täitsa tore tunne on ise ka kaasa lüüa!
19. nov 2008
Suvesündmuste sõnastik
Praegusel ajal kasulik päikese väljameelitamiseks.
Valgeranna seikluspark.
See oli judisemapanevalt lahe. Sõna otseses mõttes. Radade raskuse ja kõrguse sujuva kasvuga koos jõudsime lõiguni mis ülekäigu võimaluse ootamisel jalad värisema pani. Küll mitte nii hullusti et palgist mööda oleks astunud. Lemmikosa: "vaba"lend köiega maapinnale. Aitäh toredale instruktorile.
Vanaisaga kalal.
Mootorpaati enam pole. On aga lootsik ja aerupaar. Minu osaks oli sõudjaelemendiks olemine. Võrke sisselaskmas olen ma ennegi käinud, nüüd aga sai ka varahommikusel saagijahil ära käidud. Mis oli täitsa korralik. Saavutus: paadi kursil hoidmine ja vastu lainet sadamasse juhtimine.
Roheline sähvatus.
"Kariibimere piraatidest" jäi meelde loodusnähtus, mis sel suvel õnnestus endal ära näha. Täiesti ootamatult. Loojuva päikese vaatemäng juulikuu südames.
Kihnu avastamine.
Vanad ja uued sõbrad veetsid päevakese Kihnul tuuritades ja hiiglaslikke metsmaasikaid nautides!
Harjutusi sabale.Pintslisabale.
Ma pole kunstnik, aga mulle meeldib joonistada. Siiamaani enamasti harilikuga. Nüüd proovisin akrüülvärve. Vaata slaidiesitlust.
Küll mul on hea meel, et kui Harry Potter alles Eestisse jõudis, et ma selle vastu huvi ei tundnud. Sest nüüd sai kõik ühe jutiga läbi loetud. Juba paar päeva raamatute vahel oli raske ootus... ma olin ikka nii seal maailmas sees, et paar nädalat käisin söömas ka ainult hädapärast ja ruttu XD. Väärt kraam, aga lõpuosas oli hetki, kui mõtlesin, et lastele on see ikka kange kraam. Mul on oma lapsepõlvest mõned karmimad muinasjutud meeles... ja see elav kirjeldus mis HP mõnes kohas tabas võttis ka praegu südame pööritama. Muidugi on see kiitus kirjaniku meisterlikkusele.
11. nov 2008
27. okt 2008
Esimesel päeval juhtus kohe paar naljakat apsakat. Tahaksin paluda, et inimesed pange oma lastele ilusaid Eesti nimesid või ilusaid ingliskeelseid nimesid kui vaja. Aga mitte nimesid, millest aru ei saa mis soost kandja on... eriti raske on siis kui väikestel poistel on pikad juuksed ja tüdruku nimi :).
Muidu on koolis täitsa tore. Lapsed võivad olla lärmakad ja väsitvad, aga tegelikult sa näed, et nad on toredad ja andekad. Ja suurest kambast lahus ka enam mitte nii lärmakad, vaid räägivad täitsa asjalikku juttu.
Ebaühtlane tase ja suured klassid on üks asi millega peaks tegelema. Abiõpetaja süsteem mis mõnel pool on, on loodetavasti hea lahendus.Kui see vaid igalepoole jõuaks. Soovisin nii mõnigi kord, et mind oleks klassis mitu, kes aeglasematele jõuaks paremini asju ära seletada ja kiirematele uusi ülesandeid jagada... Nii et ma arvan, et kui ma õpetamisega tegeleks elukutsena, siis kusagil, kus saab suurendada individuaalõpet ja igaühele omase tempoga...
Väike kõrvalepõige. Ma tunnen ennast lühikesena. Vaatamata sellele, et olen alati end vähemalt keskmiselt pikaks pidanud ja eriti pärast 2cm Austraalia juurdekasvu... aga võta näpust! Pealetulevad põlvkonnad kasvavad juba üle... isegi 7. klassis on juba pikemaid!
Ühesõnaga, kott on komme täis, lapsed kutsuvad päriselt õpetajaks (sest minuga on lihtne... hmm liiga leebe olemine ju mingi kompliment tegelt ei ole, aga eks seda karmust anna ju ka õppida...) ja ma pidavat stiilne ka olema (no seda ma võtan küll komplimendina :)).
Tõsisemalt ka. Miks mul on veel hea meel et ma ikka läksin... sest see rebis mind välja masendusest ja pingehunnikust kuhu maabunud olin... olen avastanud, et kuigi on olnud ka raske on ühed õnnelikumad ajad kui ma töötan nii, et ma saan selle juures kedagi aidata. Anna ja sa saad vastu...
18. okt 2008
Vahvad varvassokid / Totally terrific toesocks
16. okt 2008
Eesti tegi peaaegu Türgit / Estonia almost managed "to do Turkey"
The words "to do Turkey" should be known for a football fan from the Euro2008 as a term for almost winning at the last minute :). Almost is not winning of course, but the game was good! I was really happy that our team managed to hang on and not to let Turkey score at the last moment! Beautiful. Football has been the theme for the last week. The arrival of the long time favorite team - Spain, to Estonia, took me for the first time to the stadium in our capital. I wasn´t sad when Spain won, and not only because of them being my faves, but also ´cos our team played very well. I was cheering to our guys and spaniards both. But I felt Estonian, especially when we sang our hymn :). I was really hoping that at least one ball will manage to slip by from the best goalkeeper of the world, but not this time :). But the things are getting better! And next time we will win! ;)
30. sept 2008
Mis juhtus?? / What happened??
I still don´t get it. I had decided to say no to teaching, but when the second call came, the headmistress on the other side was so happy and everything was already planned, so I just couldn´t refuse... It is funny how sometimes things happen the other way around... I guess it had to happen. But the irony is that I am going to go and teach English and I am currently "wrestling" with English in my research paper articles . But maybe this challenge will be beneficial to that too...
29. sept 2008
Huvitav / Interesting
Nüüd ma siin siis nüüd olen ja mõtlen homseni... osa minust oleks täitsa valmis väljakutse vastu võtma, kuigi ma olen alati öelnud, et mitte mingil juhul ma õpetajaks ei lähe... Kuid kodupaiga maakool pidi marakrattide taseme poolelt veel täitsa ok olema.
Takistus pole siiski hetkel vaid ainult tahe, autokool ja bakatöö võtavad iga päev oma osa...
Saab mis saab, põnev on ikkagi.
The phone rings. I can just introduce myself when I hear an offer what makes me consider a prank call or false connection. It is a headteacher of a little school who asks me to be a substitute teacher for English... already starting next week... and she is being perfectly serious. Now here I am thinking it through till tomorrow... part of me is ready to accept, although I have always said that I wont ever be a teacher...
Don´t know yet how I will manage with all my driving lessons and research, but still - it is an exiting opportunity.
28. sept 2008
Pilved on põnevad / Clouds and imagination
I was getting a bus ride to the city and watching how the setting sun colors a big cloud. The cloud had a shape of a fast running dograbbit ( running dog with long rabbit ears)... ten minutes after when the same cloud emerged again from behind the forest, it looked like a walking dog with a bone between its teeth.
23. sept 2008
19. sept 2008
Autosõidu "rõemud"
Nii ma siis tundmatus kohas vette hüppasingi, omaarust selleks kohe üldse mitte veel valmis olles. Aga no minuteada jäid kõik terveks, nii et peamine ülesanne sai täidetud :D. Siduriga läksin ma hoopis rohkem tülli, õnneks küll mitte suurtel ristmikel, vaid pisikestel. Nii et kui juhtusite nägema ülimalt ehmatanud - paanikas näoga õppesõitjat olin see arvatavasti mina. Võibolla suutsin oma naljaka näoga kellegil tuju ka paremaks teha, mitte ainult oma eeskooserdamisega pahuramaks. Endal tuli küll naer peale. Pärast kui juba kodus peeglisse vaatasin. :D
16. sept 2008
30. aug 2008
8. aug 2008
18. juuli 2008
5. juuli 2008
"Tilluke" ämblik / Itsy - bitsy spider
Well, I am glad that I´m not afraid of spiders anymore. This morning when I was making up my bed I discovered the lovely creature on the picture... Considering, that in the course of an average lifetime, a person will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders, I am happy that todays event didn´t make it to the list of statistics...
30. juuni 2008
Ja Euroopa meister 2008 on.../ And the winner of euro2008 is...
Lemmikmeeskond + võit! Mis saaks jalgpallis peale ilusat- põnevat mängu veel parem olla!!!:D Aitäh kõikidele meeskondadele, selle võrratu turniiri eest ja eelkõige võitjatele! Ja K - le kes mul aitas häält kähedaks karjuda!!!
Pic from euro2008 homepage
Favorite team + winning the game! What could be better than that after a beautiful and engaging game!!!:D
Thanks to all the teams that made this tournament a spectacle to watch and most of all to the winners! And to my friend K who helped me to lose my voice to the cries of joy!!!
A remark: Awww, the celebration was held in the tunes of one of my fave movies - The Pirates of the Caribbean :P.
21. juuni 2008
Järgmise korrani! / Till next time!
Eelnev päev oli imeilus. Sai lõpuks suurt korallrahu külastatud. Minekul ja tulekul sai enamuse ajast kiirpaadi tekil peesitatud, sest uskuge või mitte, sügisel on päris jahe - kui 29´nii kutsuda saab ;).

jälle 5m kaugusel ja nii valge liivaga... vaatad kuidas pisike valge hai ennast sinna peaaegu ära
peidab.Korallid olid oodatumast kahvatumad..., kuid oh seda kalade värvierksust!

(kui kasutada sõbra toredat väljendit) oli korralik lõuna paadi tekil :P.
Veel pilte/More pictures:
Cairns airport. It is hard to describe my thoughts and feelings. Part of me is in tears and the other is smiling. But it´s all inside. Estonia - it´s a joy to go home, Australia - it breaks my heart to leave.
The day before was marvellous. We visited the Great Barrier Reef. We went to two outer reefs. Water was nice and warm - about 27´ - and after 5 hours fun in salty water we were wrinkled like dried plums, our muscles were aching, but happy. I know, that everybody is saying the same thing, but it really is another world. This is the best way to describe it. On one moment you are floating in the water, wide ocean around you and on the next you put your head under and forget everything else.
On some places the reef is just half a meter away, on the edge you are suddenly over an abyss and you can´t even see the bottom... And then there is 5 meters to the white sand... and you see a little white shark almost blending in with it. Corals were not so colourful as I expected..., but the bright colours of the fish! Most memorable moments were when I was suddenly in the middle of a fish school and swimming with a turtle for several minutes.
And last, but not least was a delicious meal on board of the ship :P.
14. juuni 2008
Aotearoa VI
30. mai 2008
Aotearoa V
Oli tuuri eelviimane päev, Queenstownis järgmisel päeval lahkus tuurilt 8 inimest, mina neist üks. Tegime nö finaaliks plaane ja nõustusin kahe adrenaliiniseikluse kombinatsiooniga.Järgmise päeva hommikul oli närv sees, sest jõudis kohale mida ma õieti tegema hakkan. Õnneks sihtkoha poole sõites suutsin end maha rahustada ja esimese tegevuse kallale asudes oli sees pigem põnevusärevus.
Kui aktiivkeskusesse kohale jõudsin ja teisi nägin, mõtlesin, et täitsa segane, mida sa ometi mõtled et nende segastega ühined! Vajalikud ettevalmistused tehtud, sõitsime väikese köisraudteega kuristiku kohal rippuvale platvormile. Teisi jälgides süda puperdas sees, aga tagasiteed enam ei olnud. Minu kord... istusin tooli ja viimased ettevalmistused...instruktor lobises sokkidest (sokid olid mul Oz-s peamised komplimentide sissetoojad, varvassokkide ja plätude kombinatsioon ning triibud jäid alati silma :)) ja mina lehvitasin ümberringi plõksuvatele fotoaparaatidele (sest ma ei olnud tuurilt ainus segane seal, sõbrad võtsin ka kaasa!) ning lõppkokkuvõttes polnudki enam aega hirmu tunda. Siis tippisin servale, kuulasin 5,4,3,2,1 - benji!!! ning karjet kosta lastes sööstsin 134 meetri pikkuse lennutrajektooriga alla kuristiku poole. Tunne: nagu rakett. Kestus: elu pikimad 8 sekundit. Vaade: kirjeldamatu.
Kaks korda pehmelt üles alla kiikunud, vabastasin jalad ja vaadet nautides tõmmati mind keharakmeid pidi taas ülessse. Taas platvormil, ei suutnudki kohe uskuda, et just benjit hüppasin. Elu kiireim lennuminut. :) Kas teeksin uuesti? Teeks küll.
(Nevis benji oli mu uusaastalubadus).
Järgmine päev suundusime lennuväljale. Varustus selga, paar õpetussõna kaasa ja lennuki peale! 12 000 jalga oli selle päeva siht. Seekord närvi sees ei olnud, sest tegemist tandem langevarjuhüppega. Instruiktoril seljataga üle 16000 hüppe! Igal meist oli oma kaameramees kes esimesena läheb ja veidike lennuki küljes kõlgub siit-me-läheme! pildi jaoks ning siis sinu ees hammastega pilte klõpsib peapealasuva kaamera abil. Too pisike eralennuväli asus rohelisel aasal, ümberringi mäeahelikud, nii et vaade oli pehmelt öeldes võrratu! Vabalangemine oli üks tuuline protsess :D , kui langevari väljas, oli rohkem mahti all lahtirulluvat mosaiiki kokku panna.Hirmud on selleks, et neist üle saada!

30. apr 2008
Aotearoa IV
Selleks pole s6nu, kirleldamaks mida tunned kui vaatad yle peegelsileda j2rve, et n2ha ymbritsevate m2gede samadetailset peegeldust kui siis kui suurim peegel oleks maapinda katma pandud... k6ige krooniks k6rgumas lumise tipuga UM - a k6rgeim m2gi Aoraki ehk Mt. Cook. Istusin vist kyll oma tund aega lihtsalt kaldal ja ei tydinud vaatamisest. Olime oma esimeses "p66salaagris" (mis t2hendab, et pole vett, vaid ainult kuivk2imla) Pukaki j2rve kaldal. Laagrisse j6udmiseks l2bibme pika tee kalda22rt m88da ja tegime ka v2ikese peatuse yhel kynkatipul, et peegeldust imetleda. Giid ytles, et tema on yle aasta seda rada s6itnud, kuid n2eb esimest korda sellist vaatepilti. Ja see oli alles vaatepilt!
Lake Pukaki / Pukaki j2rv
J2rgneval p2eval matkasime Mt Cooki rahvuspargis Tasmaania liustiku jalamile. Minu yks reisi lemmikretki. Lumised m2etipud mis talvest ilmaj22nule t6id omamoodi r66mu sydamesse ja tahtmise lumes6da korraldada :). Rada mis viib k6rgelt yle k2restikulise j6e, on vahepeal nii kitsas k6rgel kaljuserval et k6rvu k6ndima ei mahu, laudteed mis yle valgete 6itega tipitud aasa kulgevad... Kui m2gesid silmitsedes pilku veidi teritada hakkas igaltpoolt silma valgeid lindikesi, mis allavoogavate kosekeste asukohti m2rkisid. Ning l6puks j2rv, mis oma j22kamakatega veelgi talver66me meelde t6i.
Matk Mt. Cooki rahvuspargis / Hiking in Mt. Cook NP
I wish I could paint. Paint with words, with brush on the canvas... to paint even only a little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has layd out before our eyes... there are no words in my mind to describe what you feel when looking over a silky smooth lake and seeing the reflection of the landscape in there in the highest detail, like a mirror covering the ground. And the crown of the image being Mt. Cook - the highest peak in NZ. I think I sat on the shore of the lake for a long time and still didn't get tired of the view.
We were in our first "bush camp", that being a campsite with no tap water, on the shore of lake Pukaki. On our way there we drove a long way following the shoreline and on top of one hill we just stopped to admire the sight. Our guide sayd, that he has been on this route for over a year, and hasn't seen it so calm and reflective before. We were so lucky!
The following day we hiked to the Tasman glacier lake in Mt. Cook National park. It was one of my favourite places on that tour. The snowy peaks of the mountainrange that brought a joy to my heart and a wish to arrange a snow fight, a track leading high over a fast flowing river and on the side of the cliffedge, wooden boardwalks going over pastures dipped with white blossoms... If you looked closely to the surrounding mountains, you could see a white ribbon here and there, marking a little waterfall finding its way down. And finally the lake, which with it's floating icebergs reminded wintery funs even more.
to be continued...
27. apr 2008
Aotearoa III
Rangitata Gorge.
Hommikune 2ratus ilmutas end tuhandeh22lse lambakarja n2ol. Pool unes, pool ilmsi kuulsin end ymbritsetud olevat voogavast "m22 - m22" merest, kus iga h22l sama oman2oline kui inimkooris. K6rgele yhtlasele j2rgnes madal ja katkendlik... segatud karjakoera t88haugatustega ja karjapoisi karmi ja valju "tagasi" k2sklustega. Nina telgist v2lja pistes silmasin valge villamere ja m2gede kohale kerkiva p2ikese esimesi punetavaid kiiri. Lambah22led kaugusse kadumas, haaras k6rv midagi kaugelt tuttavat - laululindude tervitust hommikule, mida polnud ammu kuulnud (minu kuuldud Oz linnud on rohkem "lihtsalt h22litsejad" tyypi), vajusin kodumetsi meenutades tagasi unedemaale.
Rangitata Gorge asub l6unaalpide l2hedal ja on yks ytlemata m6nus koht. Laagriplatsi peahoone oli t6eline puidust m2gionn, kus eelneval 6htul peale rikkalikku grill6htut, toimus tuuri ainukene filmi6htu Surf's Up - i vaadates. Seal saab ka viienda klassi (mis on k6rgeim) white water raftingut (e.k. siis suure kummipaadiga m88da k2restikulist j6ge kihutamine?) harrastada.
Eelmisel p2eval veetsime paar tundi Christchurch'is - mis ei ole kindlasti piisav aeg selle koha avastamiseks - kus meiega yhines 8 uut inimest.
UM maam2rkidest l2bisime pikima silla ja pikima sirge tee l6igu.
Rangitata Gorge.
My wake-up call was the sound of a thousand sheep. Half sleeping, half awake I heard myself surrounded by the waves of sheep voices, each one as unique as in human choir. One with high and steady was followed by a low and interrupting...it all was mixed with the barking of the sheepdog and the shepherd's loud and harsh cryes: "get back!". Looking outside I noticed the rays of rising sun peaking over the mountains and the sea of white wool. The sounds of the herd faiding, my ear caught something familiar, something I hadn't heard a long time - songbirds greetings to the morning. (The birds in Oz are more of a noise making type.) With the forests of home in my mind I fell back to the dreamland.
Rangitata Gorge is near the Southern Alps, and is a beautiful place. The office of the campsite is really cousy wooden lodge, where after a delicious bbq, we had our one and only movie night during the tour. Relaxing and adventure go hand in hand there, 'cos u have an opportunity to do white water rafting on a class five (which is the highest) river.
The day before we spent couple of hours in Christchurch - which definately ain't enough to explore this city - and 8 new people joined the tour after some had sayd goodbye.
From the landmarks of NZ we passed the longest bridge and longest straight road.
22. apr 2008
Aotearoa II
14. apr 2008
Lehmad ja ilutulestik / Cows and fireworks
Lately, life here in Oz has a lot to do with cows. Cows are at work, in entertainment, for dowry...
Last 2 weeks have gone by mostly at work, it is not unusual to have 12 hour workdays, so when you go home you have enough strength left to eat, exercise and go to sleep. I took up running, 'cos at work you are almost all the time standing at one place, so your muscels are so stiff at the end of the day that some movement can only be beneficial. Although I got the idea to exercise in NZ, when after the toughest hike of my life (about what I still have to post here) I felt really good.
Cows in entertainment - we went to see a rugby match. Local team Cowboys beat the Eals quite easily. The game wasnt much interesting for me, but on the coming weekend they are playing against NZ Warriors- I would like to see that 'cos there is a possibilit to see haka, wich I didnt have a chanche to see in NZ.
On Saturday evening we had a small bbq at the beach with some friends from work. It was for Mati who starts his journey to NZ this week. Joseph from Sudan told us about the life in his homecountry, which was really interesting. We found out that Kylie is worth 150 and I 130 cows :D. (If a woman gets married the groom gives cows to the family and the taller the wife, the more cows she is worth.) So do some math and find out our worth when you get 4 cows for 1000 austr. dollars!
People here in Oz are really fond of fireworks it seems. Last week we managed to see it on three occasions. And not some little ones. They came close to New Years eve celebrations. Yesterday after church when we saw one again and we didn't know the occasion, we desided it was 'cos it was Sunday! :)6. apr 2008
Tykike Civic square' st Wellingtonis, m6nus rahulik ja hea vaatega koht istumiseks, raamatulugemiseks... tahtsin ka kuuluda nende kunstitudengite hulka kes seal tohututele paberitele ymbritsevat arhidektuuri mitmekesisust j22dvustasid / A lovely place to sit, read - I wanted to be one of those art students who sat and draw on enourmous papers all the surrounding archidectural variety - a piece of Civic Square in Wellington
Wellington. The first thing I noticed, when I headed out in the morning (well, it was actually midday already, but I was still in QLD time, which was 3h behind, Estonia even 11h...) and throughout the day, that people are running. Literally. And I am not only talking about the fast moving amount of people on the streets that you dont want to get on the way of, but in every half an hour you meet at least two people sporting. And that in the centre of the city. What happens then in the suburbs? Healthy habits are good. I have not met anywhere else that amount of fondness in running, but from the people who have seen the world a lot more i heard it is quite common... and why not to have a good stamina, when going a bit further from the centre you are already moving on a landscape of highs and lows, going all the time up or down. Also a good place for people who are skateboarding, i saw quite a lot of awe inspireing manouvers in midst of the traffic.Getting a little ahead in the story, I can say that now back in Australia I have taken up running as well, but not because what I saw in Wellington. I will reach these reasons later.
Ja siis kohe selle istumiskoha vastas oli selline kiri... :D/ and then, just opposite of my sitting place were these words... :D
Kui ma jalad veresoonde panen, mahun ma sinivaala südamesse pikali heitma. Kui see seest õõnes oleks muidugi. Väikelaps mahuks suuremates veresoontes vabalt ringi roomama. Sellisele avastusele tulin Te Papa Tongarewa muuseumis, kus peale maavärina kogemuse (6,5 Richteri skaalal) - päris raske ikka püsti jääda kui kuskilt kinni ei hoia; haarasin oma teadmistesse veel palju muud infot loodusnähtuste, inimtegevuste ja looduse - inimeste suhete kohta, seda nii traditsiooniliste väljapanekute viisil kui ka kõrgtehnoloogia interaktiivsete väljundite abil. Pean tunnistama, et peaaegu pooled väljapanekud jäid vaatamata, kella mul kaasas ei olnud, aga ligikaudu 4h veetsin küll vaalade ja delfiinide seltskonnas. Ja sedagi ei jõudnud päris lõpuni! Muuseum pandi enne kinni. Videod, arvutisimulatsioonid - kus alates delfiini konstrueerimisest ja selle vette lastes teadasaamisest kui hea arhidekt olid (sain 3 korraga oma roboti nagu päris :)), lõpetades animeeritud isendite fotode klõpsimisega, kus võrdled fotot andmebaasiga ja saad teada kus ja kes too loom päriselus on... + veel hulgaliselt skelette ja muud kraami - kõik see viis aja tormituule tiivul. Ja guljaðð maitses kohvikus kah hästi. Kuigi kodusega muidugi võrrelda ei anna :P.
If I put my legs into a bloodvessel, I can lay down in the heart of a blue whale. Ofcourse on that case, it sould be hollow from inside. A toddler could crawl around freely in the bigger blood vessels. These discoveries I made in the museum of Te Papa Tongarewa, where after experiencing an earthquik (6,5 on Richter scale) - it is quite hard to retain your balance if you are not holding on to something; I gained knowledge about nature, man and nature relationships etc. That through traditional exhibition methods and also with the help of interactive technology. I have to admit that I didnt make it to almost half of the exibithions, I didnt have a watch, but I spent at least 4 hours in the company of whales and dolphins. And I even didnt finish that one entirely! The museum was being closed before I could. Videos, computer animations - from constructing a dolphin and releasing it into the water to see how good of an archidect you were (I got my robot close to a real one in 3 trys :)) , to taking photographs of animated animals and then comparing them to database of real animals in the wild to see information who and where they are... + heaps of sceletons and other stuff - all this took the time away on the wings of stormwind. And guljaðð in the cafeteria tasted good as well. Although the one back home is better :P.
Kelle j2lje mina leidsin!/ Look what I found! ;)
Kolmanda wõrratu Wellingtoni (edaspidi WW) päeva veetsin sõrmuste isanda filmi (edaspidi lotr) kohalikke võtteplatse külastades, seda vahva Rover tuuride giidi ja kuue teise fänni toreda seltskonna saatel. Peale filmi sai palju infot ka WW kohta, kui eri kohtadesse sõitsime. Victoria mäe alt läheb läbi 2 tunnelit - ühte kutsutakse rahvasuus Happy tunnel - ehk siis õnnelik tunnel. Kui sealt läbi sõidad, võid autosignaaliga vabalt ümber käia, nädalavahetusel pidi sealt jalgsi läbiminek kuulmisele suht surmav olema XD. Meie neljapäevane läbiminek algas suht vaikselt, aga keskel saime ka teised autod tuutamismaratonile kaasa, jätkasime ka veidi väljas, kus kõrvaloleval staadionil inimesed juba mitmendat päeva tõsiselt kriketimatsi jälgisid XD.Tuuriga käis kaasas ka korralik lõuna , kuhu kuulus ka oma nime vääriv shokolaadikook :P ; palju nalja sai kääbikuteks, haldjateks ja võluriteks ümberkehastudes.Pärast sõitsin "kaabelautoga" üles botaanikaaeda, kus oma pettumuseks leidsin, et observatoorium on juba pikemat aega renoveerimisel, tutvusin ühe toreda poemüüjaga, kes Eestit tahab külastada ja imetlesin oma tuuril tutvutud ja taaskohatud paari kaaslasega botaanikaaia, eriti roosiaia ilu. Tagasi hosteli jalutades kadusin tunnikeseks järjekordsesse tohutusse raamatupoodi, kahekordne, ja kohvik ka veel raamaturiiulite vahel peale mugavate tugitoolide... no lihtsalt ei saa sealt enam tulema ju! :)
Iga f2nni unistustelett :p / Every fans dreamshelf
The third day of wonderful Wellington (WW) I spent exploring the local sets of Lotr, that together with Rover tours great guide and six other fans of the movies. Besides movie, we got information about WW as well, when driving around the city. There is two tunnels going through Mt. Victoria and one of them is called Happy tunnel. You can beep your car horn as much as you like in there, and it is not recommended to go through there on foot, especially on the weekends, cos its quite deadly to your hearing XD. Our ride on Thursday started quite quietly, but in the middle we managed to get other cars to join in in the beeping marathon, and we continued a little on the outside as well, passing through a stadion where for a number of days people were seriously into cricet.The tour involved a delicious lunch, including a shocolate cake that totally deserved its name :p. We had loads of fun getting into the roles of hobits, elves and wizards.Later I took the cablecar up to the botanic gardens, where, to my dissapointment I found the observatory closed for renovations, met a shop assistant who wants to visit Estonia and marvelled at the botanic gardens and especially rose garden beauty. On the way to my hostel I stumbled upon another huge bookshop,where I spent at least an hour, with two stories, cafe and comfortable armchairs... you just cant get out of there! :)
Teel Pictonisse, praami pardal. Minumeelest on see saar kyll lamava kiiwilinnu kujuline! / On my way to Picton with interislander . In my opinion this island looks like a lieing kiiwibird!
to be continued...
4. apr 2008
Natuke pilte
I think I made like a thousand photos in New Zealand. Here is the first selection :)
28. märts 2008
Tagasi Austraalias/Back in Oz
Here I am again. In NZ, I didn't have time to update my blog, but my diary knows all. So little by little I will write my adventures here as well :).
9. märts 2008
28. veebr 2008
27. veebr 2008
Aga läheme tagasi algusesse. Paar nädalat tagasi algas siis meie töö tapamajas. Minu tunded olid algul ausalt suht pessimistlikud, kahtlesin kas ma seal kaht nädalatki vastu pean.Esimesed kaks päeva pidi olema treeningpäev. Istusime kui koolis lauade taga ja täitsime teste ohutusnõuete kohta. Pärast esimest päeva oli meeleolu palju parem, sest inimesed olid toredad. Järgmisel päeval pidime ka veel veidi teste tegema ning ekskursioonile minema. Kui aeg ekskursioonini jõudis, saime vaid pesuruumi ( koht kus iga hommik vajalik varustus ja riided antakse) mindud, kui juba tuli jutt, et inimesi on puudu ja nii siis oligi plaks tööle! Meie neljakesi saime omale muidu kolmepäevase vahetuse nädala lõpus, mis nüüd siiski õnnestus nädala alguse vastu ümber vahetada. Kuigi kui lähed teise vahetuse ajal hommikul kohale on siiski hea sanss tööle saada, inimesi on seal pidevalt vaja. On kaks üksust. Juba mainitud tapakorrus ja boning room ehk siis
konditustamise ruum. Viimane sai meie põhitöökohaks. Esimesed paar päeva möödusid liha kilekottidesse pakkides, mis on täitsa ok töö, sest aeg lendab ja pole väga raske ka ning seal sa enam looma ei näe väga lihakäntsakates vaid pigem toitu. Sooja on
konditustamise toas vaid 12 kraadi, nii et seal seista väga ei taha, mida kiirem seda parem. Kuigi eile tundus mulle, et pigem on -12 kraadi... Olen omale eestist kuidagi gripiviiruse kaasa saanud, sest juba paar nädalat on järeleandmatu nohu ja köha. Nii et täna on ravitsemisaeg.
Nädal oli meil vaba aega vahepeal, sest üleujutused takistasid karja karjamaalt kättesaamist.Sel esmaspäeval peale pikka puhkust vaatama minnes, kas tööle saab, sattusimegi esimest korda tapakorrusele tööle. Seal on sama temperatuur mis väljas ning laes asuvad hiigelventilaatorid mis haisuvaba õhku tekitavad. Nii ma siis neid organeid sorteerima sattusingi. Töö "tipphetk" oli kui kõrvalolev poiss sisikonna ühe suure pauna peale osutas ja küsis kas ma tean mis see on. Raputasin pead ja järgmisena välkus nuga mis tõi nähtavale vasika loote. Vaid kuskil 20 cm pikk ja halli värvi kuid siiski täiesti äratuntav. Mul oli ikka päris hea meel kui järgmine hommik
konditustamise ruumi jälle sai. Reaalsusest veidi kaugemale ja toidule lähemale. Nii et eile sai raudkinnas käes ja luisk vööl rippumas suruõhuketassaega ribikontidelt üleliigset liha saetud.
Päris kahju, et sees pildistada pole lubatud. Tööala näeb välja kui suur sipelgapesa, eriti kr - is, sest tööriietus on kõik valge ja peas on "suusamaskid", mis ainult silmad ja nina välja jätavad. Nii et kui kellegagi üle müra suhelda jaksad, pead väljaspool tükk aega mõtlema kui kellegagi räägid, kas ma olen temaga juba rääkinud või ei...? Mõnedel inimestel on ninad või silmad mis hästi meelde jääävad, nii et nendega on lihtsam. Ning minul on muidugi prillid mis minu hästi ära tuntavaks teevad :P.
I am standing in a room full of eardeafening noise. Towards me flows a parade of still beating, twitching and warm internal organs, from where different pairs of hands crab what is "theirs". I stick my fingers into the liver and feel the warmth and sense of revolting creep up through my hands. I throw the liver into a hole behind me. It is followed by heart and kidnies to the other hole and all sorts of other parts. Meanwhile I am washing tail and cheeks what have the beating of an extreem intensity.They also find the right hole to go down to the packers... I look around. Which isn´t a very good idea. A bit further I can see animals, hanging by their back feet, tonques dangling from their mouths and blood dripping... - I wake up, or not really. Because it is not a dream, but an ordinary workday on the killing floor.
But lets go back to the beginning. A few weeks ago started our work in meatfactory. My feelings were quite pessimistic before starting, I doubted if I´ll last a fortnight there. The first two days were the training part, where we sat and did safety tests and I felt like being back at school. My mood was much better at the end of the day, the people were great. The next day after some more tests we were supposed to go and have an excursion. We only reached the laundry - room (from where each morning we get our working clothes), when then was a talk of available positions and smack! - we were going to work. At first we were in the weekend three day shift, but now we managed to get the four day one. There is two compartments, killing floor and boning room we were officially on the second one. But when it is not your shift and you show up in the morning, you´ll probably get work too.
First couple of days went by by bagging meat, which is a good job, the time flies when you are busy and you don´t anymore see an animal before you in these pieces of meat, but food. There is only 12´C in boning room, although yesterday it seemed to be - 12... I have somehow fallen sick, for some weeks I have running nose and a cough that doesn´t want to go away. So it is time to heal myself.
We had a week off meanwhile, cos because of the flooding they couldn´t get the animals out from the pastures. So when we went to work on Monday to see is there any availability, we ended up in the killing floor for the first time. There the temperature is the same as outside and in the ceiling are huge vans that create the air free of odours. So thatway I ended up sorting the organs. The "high point" of the day was when a guy next to me pointed out one pouch and asked me if I knew what it was. Showing my ignorance by the shaking of my head, the next thing I saw was the flickering of the knife and a foetus of a calf slipped out. It was only 20 cm long and grey coloured, but fully recognisable. I was glad when the next morning found me again in the boning room. Further from the reality and closer to the food part. With an iron glove and steel in my aid, I was using a whizzard knife to saw of extra meat from the ribs.
Unfortunately it is not allowed to take pictures. Working area looks like a giant nest of ants, especially in the br, the work clothes are all white and we are wearing "ski masks", which leave only eyes and nose free. So if you can communicate with someone over the noise, on the outside you have to wonder, when talking to someone - have I had a conversation with this person before...? Some of the people have eyes and noses that stand out, so it is easier with them and I ofcourse have the glasses to make me recognizable :P.
19. veebr 2008
Uus kodu
Pildil on Kookaburra, kelle h22litsus on kui inimnaer. Siin kyll vangistuses, aga neid on muidu igalpool vabalt ka. / The "laughing bird" Kookaburra.
18. veebr 2008
Vihmametsa s6pradele
Some photos from visit to Cape Tribulation!
16. veebr 2008
Vihmahooaja võlud
A friend in HF/ Sõber kes tuli välja aidata
7. veebr 2008
Tuba t2is shokolaadi ehk n2dalane kofeiinilaks
Meie nelja eestlase seltskonda on sulandunud yks tore sakslanna ning nii me siis viiekesi sinna suundumisegi. P6hiliselt kolme kohviarmastaja eestvedamisel. Algul vaatasime niisama ringi ja m6tlesime, et ok nood kolm l2hevad, sest mina ja Kylli ju tegelikult kohvi ei joo... aga sellepeale ytles piletimyyja - giid, et meile on pakkuda piimakokteil, valige suurus. No me siis v6tsime suurima :p, vastavalt siis shokolaadi ja maasika oma. Ja kohvi v6isime ka proovida kui tuju peaks tulema. Vot selline tore pakkumine :). Esimese asjana juhatati meid shokolaadikandiku juurde, kus siis degusteerimiseks pakuti sissetoodud, ymbersulatatud ja eri maitsetega rikastatud belgia shokolaadi valget, musta ja halli varianti. Viimane siis valge millel lisandiks kohvi. Muude lisanditena oli veel sidrun, ginger (eestikeelne vaste ei tule praegu p2he...), kookos, chillipipar jne. Maitses h2sti nii keelele kui meelele sest toredate giididega sai nalja ja isegi loa k6ik nahka pista - mida me siiski ei teinud...XD, kuigi hiljem kui me degusteerimisalal ikka veel istusime ja uus grupp tuli, viidi kandik k2hku teise istumisalasse...:P. Siis v6tsime kohvi ette, no tegelt piimakokteilid paarile meist, aga me siiski proovisime paari kohvisorti ka. Teed olid v2ga head, kuigi kanged.Lik88ri j2tsin vahele ;). Ja kohvid olid oioi kui kanged - no v2hemalt minu jaoks. Nii et kui arvestada, et kohvi mai joo ja seal sai seda iga kandi pealt tarbitud pole ime et 6htu kulus meil l6busa meeleoluga kaua yleval olles ning ka j2rgmine p2ev andis end kuidagi teistmoodi tundega tunda.
Maitsmised maitstud astusime edasi CoffeWorldi, kus kohvimasinate ja kohvikasvatamise ajaloo v2ljan2itus meid tunnikeseks k8itis. Seal oli ikka k6ikm6eldavaid instrumente, alates veidratest r8stimisaparatidest, l6petades miss kohvikann USA valimistega...
Meeldej22v ja p6nev oli see igatahes. Isegi inimesele kes kohvi ei joo.
The room filled with chocolate - caffeinsupply for all the week
The last Sunday afternoon we spent visiting CoffeeWorks - creators of delicious coffee and chocolate - as they say themselves ;). So we had the opportunity to try 21 coffees, 4 teas, 2 liqueurs and 12 chocolate sorts.
Our four Estonians company is enriched by one German girl and so we headed there to take a look around. At first we thought that only three coffeelovers will go, but when the guide heard that two don't drink coffee, she offered for us a chance to have big milkshakes instead and also an opportunity to try coffee when we change our mind - and it was a done deal.
Our first joy was tasting the chocolates. They are bringing in choc from Belgium and then in melting process adding things like lemon, ginger, coconut, chilli, coffee etc. It was delicious and fun, ' cos the guides where great and even allowed to eat all after we were joking about it. Well, we didn't eat everything, but... ;). Then was time for milkshakes - chocolate and strawberry :p - and of course coffee. I tried the teas and few coffeesorts. They were strong! Well at last for me. As I don't drink coffee at all and there it was in almost everything, there is no wonder that the evening passed in a merry late night and even the next day wasn't quite the usual :).
After the tastings we headed on to the CoffeeWorld where the history of growing and coffee machines unfolded itself in many ways - starting from weird cofferoasters and ending with miss coffeecup USA election...
It was memorable and interesting. Even for a person who doesn't drink coffee.
1. veebr 2008
Farm, liha ja muud tegemised
Our current place of recidence, is in a mango - avocadofarm, where we work and live. It is 10 kilometers out of Mareeba and the farmer's family is really kind and welcoming. Although the livingconditions needed a little time to getting used to. We placed our tent under the opened shed's roof, but already the first night was spent in a shed next to it, where for some reason is a double bed. The air in there didn't have a freshness in it, due to the all the time closed door, so it was not too nice at first. But after couple of days opened doors, it turned already a nice place. Although we had to build a little wall to keep the snakes and toads off and we placed our tent cover hanging over the door to keep the mosquitos off...well sometimes it is working and sometimes not :).The bathroom is further away in someone elses little cottage and for kitchen we have a little smokoroom and for water we have to go around the corner. But a person can get used to everything it seems! And besides, we have a pool table! Not that I am so far getting any better at it :p. After two weeks of mango picking, where thanks to God no - one from us got the rash from highly caustic mango sap, we were "lent out" to a neighbour avocado farm, until avocados will be ripe in ours. After three days working there, low payment made us look for something else. So we'll see is it better in our place. Anyway, meatfactory starts on 12 th of february. To go there we had to vaccinate for q - fever. So two weeks ago we went to Cairns and they did us skin and blood test to see if we have any antibodies. Sometimes it happens that after somekind of needle procedures I go on the edge of fainting. But I never faint. I just need a glass of water and some peaceful moments. So after skintest, where they put a little of the vaccine under the skin I felt a bit weak. After that we headed on to give blood. When I entered, the nurse already had heard from my friend that I am not so good at these things.So she seemed to be a bit nervous. She started to prepare my left arm and I was thinking: in estonia they have always taken the blood from my right arm. For a good reason I found out. My veins in left arm weren't really co-operative. So after two attempts where the nurse only got half of the needed amount I felt that the "picture is slipping away..." I asked for a glass of water and I got it but also I got a demand to lie down on the floor. Usually it is enough if I just sit, but I wasn't exactly on a state to argue... so when the nurse went to another room to prepare the bed for next try, I saw from between the door my friends surprised faces and later I heard all sorts of interesting theories XD. Anyway, in the other room she took the blood from my right arm and everything was fine... next week we got the vaccine and since the place of shot went painful we were keeping our arms out of the reach of pinching radius for next couple of days :p.